torsdag den 1. september 2016

And of to the future we go

I believe my father would be proud, clap and dance, as I a couple of days ago took of my nose-ring. I would hate it, and probably kept it a bit longer just to spite him.
Truth is I am turning thirty next time and I am no longer a long-term student. It is time to move on from the rebel I once were and become adult with everything it holds. I hope the future do have some rebellious turns for me. Actually, I count on it. But for now, it would be good with a decent income and on that road, I have to appear more serious and adult than my piercing often led others to believe of me. Thus, the removal of it.
Despite the fact that I have come to terms with this specific decision, there is a lot of memories and identity attached to this little ring. Or, correction I have attached too much identity on that little ring. I always thought that it drew attention away from my very large nose and that it looked good on me. But, there is a time for everything. Once I was a rebel. Not wearing what I was supposed to, as the good girl I was supposed to be. Having an opinion different from those around me. Today I still carry that rebel in my heart. She made me who I am today. Her attempts to push me to make the crazy choices. The choices I usually was too afraid to make. Too scared of what everyone else would think of me.
All of that in that tiny ring.

However, now I am ready to move on. Make even crazier choices that involves bigger things than what part of my body to pierce. I am ready to experience the world. Thus, the removal of the one thing that keeps me in the past in order to embrace the future.

tirsdag den 30. august 2016

Professional profile after 2 months of unemployment

Warning: Highly ironic blog is ahead of you. Do not read if you are depressed or very sympathetic. The following blog is written in accordance with a professional profile that I am supposed to include with a CV. 

Background: Recently graduated cand.mag who's strongest side is definitely not to sell herself on paper, so no one really gets to meet her in the first place - but whatever. 

Experience: Cleaning the apartment, washing clothes correctly and other relevant domestic activities. I know, not exactly what you are supposed to do on a work day, but with every day being like the other, something has to happen to pretend that some kind of progress is in motion. Thus, one might as well include it all. Going out to eat lunch or drink coffee at a café once in a while during the daytime: Highly relevant professional experience in order not to destroy the 4 walls surrounding you 24/7. Never EVER tell someone that "you'll find something easily" without expecting a sucker-punch in the face resulting in bruising in some sort. That identity crisis is not exclusively concerns the lives of the one's attempting to choose an education: It unfortunately also makes its way to the one's of us who graduated (or at least some of us).

Outcome for the relevant company: Well. Uhm. Pass. I guess. 

Thus, once more proving that the feeling of having absolutely nothing to offer in a future employment is what fills the existence of the undersigned.

Best regards,
Miss "Self-pity" 

fredag den 26. august 2016

Everyday Tales: A trip to the beach, when approached in the train and weddings

First time I swam in the ocean at a beach in Denmark. Probably also my last, but who cares. #Danishsummer #beachisfun #Hyggewiththesiblings

I was weirdly provoked by the way an elderly lady approached me in the train this morning due to the fact that I was occupying her and her friends seat (Friday, 26th August). "Ups" she said. While she probably found that an appropriate way of telling me that I had to move because she had already paid for the seat, I heard her say indirectly, that she paid for the seat ergo I shouldn't have been sitting there at all. Well news for ya lady. You didn't sit there the first hour or two of my train-ride. I guess that tells you more about what's going on in my head than in hers. #unnecessarilyhottemperat #waytooearlymorning #morecoffee.

Normally I would write about how hard it is to go to a wedding as someone being "eternal single". But not this time! I LOVE this wedding! Especially because one of my best friends are getting married and it is an important celebration! #lovelovelove #gettingemotionalthinkingaboutit #Lovesingelife #Ilovewhenfriendsfindslove

First weekend in August: Vejle and Bachelorette-party (#wohoooow). Second weekend in August: Barcelona (#hippy-yay!). Third weekend: Arhus and Fur (#Whatyoudontdoforfamily). Fourth weekend: Wedding in Vejle (determined not to cry. #DONOTCRY!). Next weekend: The blessing of a best friends kid. #Noweekendoff #Wheredidmyweekendsgo #whenyouarefullybookedwithamazingeventsbutyourintrovertedselfremindsyouthatyouneedadayinapyjamas

onsdag den 24. august 2016

To wear or not to wear ... Burkini

I bet you've seen the pictures. The pictures of three policeofficers standing around a woman wearing a scarf on her head and are fully dressed from top to toe, who only a few moments before was enjoying the sun while relaxing by the beach. The pictures have immortalised moments of the law against burkini in France being enforced. To me the pictures radiate the humiliation of a woman who does not want to lie on the beach in a tini-tiny bikini having to take of layers off of her clothes just because some politicians think denying others wearing a burkini will help in the fight against radicalisation or what ever is the reason for this law. 

I find it hard to believe that a law against burkini as well as a burka and so forth is going to eliminate the problems that seems to surface in the world today. Actually, the pictures of this specific woman taking of her clothes makes me even more convinced that the laws are marginalising specific minorities within the society - a marginalisation that can have fatal consequences as it may foster a generation of individuals who will act out on the society because they don't feel understood or met as the individual they are. 

Evil always comes from somewhere and I find it hard to believe, when society attempts to enforce its ideas within the individuals private life that it would not cause a negative reaction of some sort. Because, what will be left if society took away your ability and right to think for yourself: act as you find right, and wear whatever you want? I mean of course there is a limit to how an individual should act - I am here referring to when one individual harms another. But there is also a limit to how much a government will be able to control one's private life and what is going on behind closed doors. And maybe, the implementation and the enforcement of such a law will cause even more radicalised ways of thinking that could foster the very idea of terror and violence as the only means of expression. 

The troth is, that the pictures to me does not necessarily show a Muslim woman, but a woman hanging out on the beach, relaxing. The truth is that it could have been me. I am very conscious with my body - especially when I can't cover my flaws with clothes. The idea of wearing clothes on the beach from top to toe is not that foreign to me. 

So, in the end I see myself in that woman. As a person that affiliate to a certain belief-system. As a woman and as an individual who's right to have a private life could be disrupted by a government who finds me radical and different and who acts against me with fear of what I could become and not with curiosity of what I am. And if that government strip me of everything I am and believe in, pushing me to the edge - who knows, how such an individual, with nothing to loose will act against an enforcement of fear. 

Instead of acting out of fear of what who seems foreign and different could become - lets meet it with curiosity and with accommodation so that society does not foster individuals with nothing left to loose, but individuals that can help develop a society that can help others.

tirsdag den 23. august 2016

The Summer of 2016's 'To Read': "The Accursed" by Joyce Carol Oates

My reading project for this summer may become a fall project as well, but I have set my mind to go through reading every book on the list. Some changes have been made, but the amount of books to read are still the same. One for each month of the year.

This one, "The Accursed" by Joyce Carol Oates is a worthy and interesting book for someone who is interested in a well-written novel with 'historical' elements and an author who is always a bracket away. The story of a woman who suddenly disappears and the aftermath of her disappearance is interesting and caught my attention - especially the historical signs here and there: The idea of slaves, and a woman's place in society. But what made it a difficult book to read was the constant need for the author to reevaluate the choices made of what to include in the novel and what to leave out. Furthermore, the need to underline that he or she is the only one who made this and that historical find. - until I found out that it was written from a historians perspective - a character implemented in the book. By the way, a fact I did not know until recently, when I had finished the book. Not knowing this fact made the entire book cool and weird at the same time.

I find the story interesting, but it is not a book I would read again. The constant stop to reevaluate the "author's" accomplishments, makes it difficult to get back on track with the storyline of the book. The idea is genius, but the way it has been carried out makes it "heavy" to read and makes one skip interesting and maybe important parts of the story that could have been a major help in cracking the code to the story.

In the end it became a "fight" to get through all of the over 700 pages long book.

2 stars out of 6 for this one. 

onsdag den 17. august 2016

Barcelona: Everything from beach to Museums

This month, August, I was lucky enough to get to travel to Barcelona! Fantastic city. Amazing beach. Lovely culture. We went to a lot of museums, but I also loved just walking around in the older parts of the city. - Basically it is that kind of city you pack away your town-map for the day and go get lost.

We stayed at the Paraiso Travellers Hostel. It was a lovely place, with an amazing staff that went above and beyond expectation for us. The hostel is relatively central considering the different sites. However, that do depend on what you expect. If your holiday to Barcelona is beach-related, this is still an ok hostel, where you can take a bus to the beach. But it is relevant to maybe check out other possibilities closer to the beach.

Considering the sights, this city is full of possibilities. You can go all artist-crazy and see all the amazing art museums, all of Gaudi's buildings and even pay to go inside the Gaudi Park (not cheap though and possible to see his buildings from the outside. But this park is relevant to book from home!). I would suggest taking one of the free walking tours, potentially pay for a Gaudi-tour if that is of interest and go see the Museums. The Museums are on some days, and within some hours, free e - so it is definitely a good idea to check them out on forehand.

A must see in Barcelona is the Sagrada Familia - Gaudi's amazing work which is said to be finished in 2028. It is an amazingly odd church, and if you are interested it is possible to participate in the service under the church: It is open for every one, but do remember that it is a service and people do attend to worship. If you want to skip the line, then order the tickets from home. It safes you a lot of waiting time!

The Gluten Free Travel
To stay gluten free and milkfree is not that big of a deal in this city. If you ask "sin gluten" (without gluten) or "sin leche" (without milk) in spanish most people understand. There is supermarkeds that sell soya milk and glutenfree products, but I only found the gluten free products in "Mercadona". It is a larger supermarked and not like the smaller supermarkets that is spread all over town. In Mercadona there is a lot more glutenfree and milkfree possibilities. It is worth the effort to find one of these and shop for breakfast, as it is difficult to find anything else than eggs and bacon for breakfast. Most important of all: They do have soya milk for the coffee. So just ask! Huzzah for that trending!

I do suggest that you before finding any supermarket, go find the bakery: Forn Boix. They have a lot of possibilities for the glutenfree and they have made sure that it is completely glutenfree and does not have traces of gluten. They sell bread and different cakes in sealed plastic boxes you can buy.

Next, when in the area of Sagrada Familia anyway, go visit the Cafe: Gaudi Bakery, on Sardenya no. 298. They serve the most delicious glutenfree sandwiches and are fully informed on the tolerance vs allergy dilemma!

When it came to dinner and lunch it was a bit more difficult and some times I wasn't as strict as I would be at home. But I found that restaurants and cafés do have alternatives and knows the possibilities, and if anything fails you can always go to McD or drink Sangria and eat a lot of Paella!

All in all, this is not the last time I will go to Barcelona - and no I have no intention of visiting the stadium or watch football. A glass of sangria, the culture, the vibe and the beach is good enough for me! :)


Sanne's Grøntsagsbrød

Min gode ven Sanne introducerede mig for disse brød. Hun spiser selv efter LCHF principperne og serverede disse brød som et glutenfrit, og gjort mælkefrit, alternativ. I de brød hun må spise er der ost i, men i de jeg deler med jer her, er der ingen mælkeprodukter eller gluten af nogen art. Ikke engang glutenfrie produkter.

De er nemme lige at smide i fryseren og så bruge til frokosten, burgeren eller evt som pizzabunde!

225 g Broccoli
225 g Blomkål
4 æg
2 spsk sesamfrø
2 spsk Husk (eller spsk fiberpro)
salt og peber
evt lidt rosmarin og oregano.

Skyl blomkålen og broccolien og put dem i blenderen. Blend dem fine og tilsæt derefter æg og sesamfrø. Rør derefter fiberhusk i blandingen og rør til de bliver til en luftig masse. Til sidst tilsættes krydderier af eget ønske. Jeg smed ca 1 tsk rosmarin og 1 tsk oregano i blandingen!

Fordel massen på bagepapiret på bradepanden, så massen bliver helt fladt og så ligeligt fordelt på bradepanden som muligt. Varm dernæst brødet ved 200 grader på varmluft i 25 minutter.

Når brødet er færdigt skærer du dem forsigtigt ud i de størrelse stykker du ønsker. Lad dem køle af inden du evt fryser dem ned eller server dem varme til frokosten.

Jeg har selv brugt dem til frokosten eller burgeren - det er kun fantasien der sætter grænser!

God fornøjelse! :)

tirsdag den 16. august 2016

Frustration of the unemployed and recently graduated

As I watched the Glee crew channel their senior year through music and cheesy ways of showing us all the story of how difficult making choices about the future can be, I realised that, that feeling is not reserved for all the youngsters choosing which direction one's education should take and what to become. The truth is despite already making all the choices and feeling that frustration which follows life-choices. Despite making through the education you have chosen, the feeling of being lost in yourself is still there afterwards. Or at least for some of us. Because then the choices regarding which career to pursue arrives. The doubt. What if I chose wrong? What if what once was the right choice in my heart is the opposite of what it wants today? And, by the way, who am I now without school, books and ambition of getting straight top-grades all the way through? - Which I by the way didn't. 

I don't know where I am going. I don't know where I will end. I know that I on one side is safe. Whatever the future may hold I am strong. I know what I want. Or at least some of what I want (apparently having to do with anything else but a job) - and truth is, despite this being a completely out of the ordinary thing to say, a job is not going to define who I am. I am not going to let it. 

frustration over and out. 

mandag den 15. august 2016

Everyday Tales: From serious to fun and everything in between

2nd of August: Rest In Peace and May God protect you Jytte. Your funeral was beautiful! However, I am still paying the price for eating not so glutenfree or milkfree cake. #Anotherbeautifulsoulhaslefttheearth 

5th of August: I have discovered that watching too much Gilmore Girls makes me talk really fast and outburst with inappropriate, yet funny if I may say so myself, comments to other people at inappropriate times. #LOVEGilmoreGirls #waitingforthenewseason #LukeandLorelaiforever #Rory:GetbackwithJess

5th of August: After a little stressfull week due to planning and responsibilities, I am going to Vejle and celebrate my very good friends bachelorette party!! Hopefully she will love it and we are going to have so much fun. One of my responsibilities was the making of a personalised board-game, centred around her. Don't worry she looooves boardgames! #Proudofmycreativity #Hopeshelikesit #Bacheloretteoftheyear 

10-14th of August: Amazing holiday in Barcelona! Oatmeal porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner the rest of the year! #gottaloveholiday #traveltraveltravel #nothingliketravellingthatcanmakeyoueconomicallyblind

tirsdag den 9. august 2016

The perks of being unemployed

It is probably the most frustrating being passionate, interested and finished an education within one specific field, however, not being able to find the job within this field - and when one does find a job within this one competes with what seems like several hundred other people. 

I will always argue that one should choose education by heart and not by reason, because I argue that it is easier to act with reason within a field you are passionated about - like working voluntarily within the field in order to gain experience and knowledge of a field one is passionated about. But we are all different and work differently. 

In my situation, where I find seeking for a job the same as climbing the worlds biggest mountain and I am frustrated by not knowing what or where I will end I hold on to the fact that there will be brighter days and hopefully one of those will have a job in store for me. 

Good Tuesday to you all. 

mandag den 8. august 2016

What to think about Islam?

I am not a Muslim. I am a Christian. 

Thus - for obvious reasons - I do not know the intimate details about having a religious affiliation to Islam as I do as to Christianity. 

However, I do have an education in the study of religion and do read the newspapers and follow steadily in the news. And I do see the different profiles we, talking from a Danish point of view, are fed up with about Islam and how we are being told how to think about Muslims. 

Now, talking from a Christian perspective, I do have some fingers to point towards the things I think people have too much attention on and too little. For instance, I think Christians are generally too concerned about getting a family and very little concerned about those who don't. We talk too much about "Of course you will find the one" and too little about "What if I don't?". Or, what about the subject of sex?! I refuse to believe that the ones trying hardly to keep up the facade as the "I waited until marriage" that they did not in any way have sexual feelings towards their husband before they married! How about we talk a little more about that instead of having yet another "so this is how I am as a parent/husband"-reference in yet another sermon. (I will admit that I might have had a little too much bottled up here and some of the examples maybe can only be followed by fellow Christians, but I hope you get the point). 

Therefore, I am a Christian, that do find faults in the Christian milieu I tend to move within. Because in the end I believe we are all human. We all make mistakes. I believe that if we could be perfect among one another, God didn't have to interfere. But enough about what I believe and back to the "society critics" I am supposed to be doing in these Monday blogs. 

I find that society today tends to point a little too much on the Muslims as terrorists, radicals and dangerous. So, when Pope France stood up and refused to point his finger at fellow Muslims, I believed he pointed towards a general flaw in our society. A flaw in the way things are moving regarding compassion for other human beings despite religious, political or cultural affiliation. I found his comments relevant. Because, I know some politics wants me to believe that everyone who affiliate with Islam are dangerous, because Islam is a violent religion - but the thing is, I have met a lot of muslims that acted and believed in peaceful co-existens between Muslims and Jews in Israels. So why is it we cannot have the same main idea in Europe? Why is it that Muslims should be to blame for a violent culture, when Europe was the one that have destroyed tribes and cultures in the Middle East and Africa historically? What about all the crusades that took it to be their mission to take back Jerusalem? Haven't Christianity been a violent religion too? 

I do not believe that religion is to blame for war. I believe we as selfish, discriminating human beings is - and I believe we sometimes use religion as a way to authorise religion. But I also think that we sometimes use religion to authorise a certain view on a group of people who doesn't necessarily have a violent world view. 

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if this view that the media and the politicians often feeds us with is the very reason that some Muslims do come to regard a violent world view as the only way to make us respect them - a common respect I believe we all have the right to have. 

fredag den 29. juli 2016

Everyday Tales: Tales from the unemployed! Oh, and a little on the fact that I am bikeless.

This was the week my bike got stolen. Living in a country where a bike is essential in order to get around, I must admit I got angry and sad and annoyed! Not having a bike in Denmark is like not eating a croissant in France or not eating pizza in Italy. #MYpropertynotyours #DoNOTtouchmystuff

This was also the week I got to experience the glory of being unemployed in Denmark! Yay for civil systems that makes you not money-less even though you are a newly educated graduate without a job! #Sorryforgloating #IlovetheDanishsystem

However, this is also a week of self reflection, as I am still rather lost regarding the business and work-marked! #Wheretobegin #WhoamI #WhatdoIwannado #Selflifecrisis #Argh!!!!

Ending this blog on a more happy note I have managed to make this summer Cakes specials three or four times (imaged down bellow). Both glutenfree and milkfree pieces of heaven. The Cheesecake recipe is in Danish and you can find it here! #Ifyourdanishtryitout #heaveninacake #eatingcakemakesmelovelife #notetoself:Importanttomakecheesecaketheeveningbeforehavingtoeatit!

søndag den 24. juli 2016

My "to-read" this summer

I am a book-worm. Not that I will claim to be the fastest reader on this planet or anything like Rory Gilmore who apparently have read every classic there is. I just love to read. Making a new world. Experience the world through my imagination. Every summer I have make this mental note on all the books I just have to read this summer.

This summer I commit myself to reading/finish reading following books:

1. Khaled Hosseini, "And the mountains echoed" (Yeah, it's been on the shelve for a while).

2. Robert G aka J. K. Rowling, "The Cuckoo's Calling" (I looove J. K. Rowling).

3. Aydin Soei, "Forsoning" (The book began a trial... I have to know what that's all about).

4. Jakob Sheikh, "Danmarks Børn i Hellig Krig" (I have almost finished this one. Just needs to finish the last couple of pages).

5. Joyce Carol Oates, "The Accursed" (I am 200 pages from finished. Nice and weird).

6. Umberto Eco, "The Prague Cemetery" (Favourite author of all time!!!!).

7. Jussi Adler-Olsen, "Den Grænseløse" (Give me a day or two).

8. Jeremy Bowen, "The Arab Uprisings" (I love the Middle East. I just wants to know everything.).

9. Niels Frank, "Nellies Bog" (It is written in a weird way, I just have to know more about).

10. Abdul Rahman Munif, "Cities of Salt" (This book have been banished in some countries in the Middle East. That fact alone made me curious).

11. Timothy Keller, "The Reason for God" (I love Timothy Keller's preachings!).

12. Veronica Roth, "Divergent" (I loved the movie - need to read the book.).

I guess, by publicly declaring here what I am reading this summer, I have to read them all. If you have any good suggestion to a good book I need to read, please - do share.


fredag den 22. juli 2016

Everyday Tales: Santa in CPH, Gilmore Girls Marathon and IKEA-madness

Met Santa today (Monday, 18th of July)- or Santas. Very revealing to the children who believe in Santa, when around a hundred people all pretend to be Santa. Another thing is that the stores are very VERY early in celebrating and  decorating for christmas.. Now we can meet santa in the middle of july as well! Christmas-stress is already setting in... #Childconfusion #Whostherealsanta #Weareinthemiddleofjuly

I have begun my Gilmore Girls marathon in preparation for the new episodes! Yay. I admit, I might have been fast forwarding through some of the episodes (I'm almost sure I've seen the series a million times) but it is an amazing show! #Lookingforwardtothenewepisodes #GILMOREGIRLSISKING #waitingforPaulAnka

Taking care of my sisters dog. An amazing little thing. We went for a run together, because she has a LOT of energy, so I thought she would be more normal and a little less like the squirrel from "Over the Hedge". I succeeded, but now she's been sleeping almost all day... #shellbeapaintonight #Imafraidshellpeeallovermyroom

With my brother in IKEA buying him a new bed this webdebat. My brother to me: "I hadn't imagined the bed being so big!" - he bought a double, 160x200 instead of the smaller version 120x200. #Iguessyoushouldhavebeenthere #helpingbrohelphimself

onsdag den 20. juli 2016

When someone makes an impression on you for life

I remember that she used to give me my own bowl of whipped cream. My mother hated it, but I loved it. I guess that's what grandparents are supposed to: Corrupt the grandchildren's upbringing. This was not my grandmother, but at that moment in my life, she came close. She took me on trips, I played in her fairytale garden in which I became Alice in Wonderland, she spoiled me rotten.

She was a big part of my childhood. My extra grandmother as I usually refer her as. I guess I always imagined that she was somewhere in the world. Living. Breathing. Laughing. Instead suddenly life becomes so small, once I found out she is very ill. Seeing her, lying there on the bed was heart-breaking. This, to me, great woman, who taught me life. Took me places. Ill. Can hardly breath. Sleeps after a couple of sentences.

It leaves an impression. Makes one think about life. Have I lived the way I wanted? Have I done all the things I dreamed of? Have I travelled enough? Have I loved too little or too much? Have I taken risks? Have I trusted enough in the fact that God is in control and knows me well enough to know what is best for me?

tirsdag den 19. juli 2016

Mælkefri og Glutenfri "Cheese"-cake

I sidste uge var ugen, jeg gik mig i kast med at lave en cheesecake - en kage jeg har drømt om at lave, så jeg kunne spise den siden jeg så alle andre nyde en til min søsters fødselsdag i begyndelsen af denne måned. I starten var jeg meget tvivlsom omkring hvorvidt det overhovedet ville lykkes, men prøves skulle det og resultatet blev lettere vellykket, hvis jeg selv skal sige det. 

Kagen jeg her præsenterer for jer skal ikke i ovnen, blot stå nogle timer på køl. Derfor anbefaler jeg at lave den med pasteroiseret æg til denne opskrift - selvom jeg har hørt nogle snakke om at faren for   er overstået har jeg dog stadig hørt om tilfælde af selvsamme sygdom, så jeg ville bruge pasteruoroiserede (JEg kan ikke stave til det ord!!! Helt seriøst mand!) æg alligevel. Blot for at være sikker. 


150 g. glutenfrie grovkiks (Semper har nogle glutenfrie Digestive kiks. :) ). 
100 g. smeltet Becel.

Begynd med at knus grovkiksene til mel-lignende tilstand. Derefter tilsæt det smeltede Becel og bland det sammen så det ligner en dej. 

Fordel bunden i en springform af 18 cm i diameter. Bunden kan blive lidt tynd, så kan man med fordel bruge 50 g mere af både grovkiks og Becel. 

Bunden sættes til side enten i køkkenet eller i køleskabet. 

4 husblas
200 g. mælkefri flødeost-erstatning (kan købes i MENY, jeg brugte selv den der hedder"Jeezy"). 
2 dl Alpro Cremefraiche (jeg brugte den der har en smag af mandler). 
1 tsk vanilje sukker
1 tsk fintrevet citronskal 
1 spsk citronsaft
2 æggeblommer 
2 æggehvider
50 g flormelis

Begynd med at lægge husblasen i blød i koldt vand. Imens det står i vand, puttes erstatningsflødeosten i en skål med cremefraiche-erstatningen, æggeblommerne, vaniljesukkeret, citronsaften og citronskallen. Bland det sammen til en flydende "oste"-creme-masse. Derefter piskes hviderne stive og derefter tilføjes flormelisen. Vend æggehvide-massen i "oste"-massen. Tag husblassen op af vandet. Vrid dem ikke, men lad vandet sidde i - det gør ikke noget at der kommer lidt vand ved. Gør husblassen flydende over et vandbad og bland husblassen i massen. 

Læg cremen ovenpå kagebunden i springformen og sæt kagen i køleskabet. Det kan godt tage noget tid, så kagen skal ikke laves i sidste øjeblik. Når cremen har sat sig, er kagen klar til at spise. Den kan pyntes med bær og andet godt! :)

PS: Den kan desværre ikke rigtig fryses. Har prøvet og selvom den stadig kunne spises, var det ikke fordi konsistensen var den samme. Så, been there, done that, not again. ;)


mandag den 18. juli 2016

Being Radicalised, Being Human?

By creating a situation where a citizen feels the need to protect and serve a society, due to what the society have given him or her, offer protection and grant different 'life-stocks' that enables him or her to not only survive but live to the fullest, a relation between a government and an individual are created of mutual protection and the wish to establish what might be of the best interest to both parts. This relation might even help a society fight extremism and radicalisation both amongst religious people, however, more so amongst its own people.

Because, let's face it. It is not only Muslim people who have become radicalised. The people, feeling like "these people are invading our country, taking our jobs, destroying our lives", have also become, to some degree radicalised. I believe, when you in the shelter of the anonymity the internet can give you, makes use of this in order to belittle the people that seems different from yourself, despite not knowing them personally, you have become radical in the choice of means to implement your view of the world in a given society.

Let's face it. It is not only because someone believes in Islam that such a person can become radical (which by the way is a very little amount of people actually choosing a radicalised worldview, compared to all the people who every day are harassing other human beings). It can also be you and I, despite religious affiliation.

Maybe it is time to break with the idea that only Muslims are destroying the world as we know it. We are to by the way we treat each other. By the way we refuse to help other people. Our choices makes us wander down the road either towards taking extreme measures or towards showing others that we care.

fredag den 15. juli 2016

Everyday Tales: Minions and sushi!

I repeat; true friends buys you stuff with minions! Now my morning-coffee has a minion waving at me! #iloveitwhenpeopleknowsmetoowell #Minionsrocks

This week I was reminded that life is short and fragile, and I only want to live the way God intents me to. #Livetothefullest #Godisgreat #Prayforhealing

Fun fact: Running Sushi was invented because Yoshiaki Shiraishi couldn't find staff to serve as waiters? #efficiencyistheway #Ilooooooovesushi

Made my first glutenfree and milkfree cheesecake. Despite the fact that you can't call it cheese-cake as there is no cheese in the cake as such, it really do tast good. Recipe will be online soon, hopefully! #lovecake #milkandglutenfreelifestyle

Btw: this was the week where I suddenly weren't a weirdo when I randomly stopped on the street! Now I just have to pretent that I am playing Pokemon GO! #loveitwhenwecanbeweirdtogether #pokemonftw

torsdag den 14. juli 2016

When Great Women Fall

Life seems so fragile,
humans so small.
When giving the world a smile
Seems like the greatest task of all.

In such a moment,
In such a time.
When life seems to run,
through our fingers like sand.
Let's rejoice the little time we had,
and remember all the great and wonderful,
women and men who have,
or are about too fall.

If you want to read the first poem I did, you can read 'As I Walk Through Life' here.

tirsdag den 12. juli 2016

Change, the unavoidable force coming our way

Life seems to change around me in a speed where I can't keep track. I am finished with studying and is applying for a real grown-up job, friends are changing their social status from in a relationship to married, and other friends are changing from family of two to family with kids.

Sometimes changes seems more visible when a person gets a boyfriend. Gets married. Becomes a mother. All things relating to a relationship with another person. Being single, changes is more of a internal nature - not as visible as when you are two people changing each others lifes to become more compatible with the twosome they are trying to create together. Because no matter how they see their lifes, when one life becomes part of another, people change. I believe that it's supposed to change people. Having two different people trying to make a common foundation for their future life together.

Embracing singleness means embracing and holding on to the changes that are happening in your life, without relation to another human being.

I have a degree now.
I am applying for a job.
I am looking and dreaming of buying my own space.
I am dreaming of becoming an author.
I am planing a travel to The US, on my own.

All life-changing experiences that might not terminate in a lifelong commitment like marriage might symbolise, but still will make a change in me. Once I wore a more boyish stile, now I have a tad more feminine look. Once I had a mother and a father, now I only have a mother. Once I thought I wanted a family: Husband, kids and dog. Now, I honestly just want to live the life I was granted to the fullest. Travel. Meet people. Experience cultures. Things change. We change. I changed!

I guess the goal is not to look at the things I didn't get to experience, but all the experiences I gained and all the experiences that are yet to come!

mandag den 11. juli 2016

The difficulties being apart of an "us" as opposed to other groups, "them".

A new radio-program on my favourite radio-station made me wonder whether or not it is really that bad to have created an "us" as opposed to everyone else? When is it actually problematic to have created an in-group, an "us"?

The host often argued against refugees and had a rather narrow minded and sceptical view on people who are of another descent than "pure danish" - people who have mixed their original descent with the Danish culture.

I have always argued against the creation of in-groups, cliques or groups like this. I find that they tend to try to set a standard for the rest to follow, which demeans other people who does not necessarily follow the rules of such a group - back to the school milieu, so to speak. But, the thing is, that we cannot avoid creating an "us". To be Danish is different from being Swedish or Norwegian. We create societies bound together by culture, language, politics, religion and so forth.  No matter how we look at it, the way we collect and unify the different aspects of our society will stand in opposition to other societies and how they have bound the different aspects together.
Once, I was at a wedding, which to me have become the perfect example of this fact. While the groom was of Danish descent, the bride was Muslim. It was a wedding with different cultural elements, where the guests at some aspects did not know what was going on and regarding other aspects were a part of the "club" that knew! These two people getting married, was creating an "us".

To me, the difference is whether a society compares itself with another in a demeaning way. Thus, creating an "us" as opposed to "them". The fact that we have different cultures, comes from different societies, does not mean that we cannot behave and be polite towards one another. It does not mean that we in Denmark cannot help the refugees that flows into the country. It does not mean that we cannot help those people who suffer from war, by help recreating and reconquer their, "us". In the end, everyone deserves to be a part of an "us".

The problem with this constellation is when "us" and "them" becomes "us" versus "them". When different groups compares, there may in some situations be created an unhealthy environment where one group presents itself as superior compared to the other.

Being a fellow citizen is not just about being apart of a group, but accepting the differences between the different groups living in and outside one's society. Being a part of one group is not the problem - we all are apart of specific groups, whether we like it or not. The problem is when one group finds themselves superior towards another group.

fredag den 8. juli 2016

Everyday tales of the week: Hacked. Confused. Almost independent. Haven't stopped laughing.

For the first time in my life I have tried to be hacked - on a twitter account I hardly ever use, only in order to follow the work of organisations I admire. Everyone now thinks I am some kind of idiot spamming twitter with porn. #whatonearthdidIeverdotoyoupornfreak

After being confused, calling the center to get help and in the process also confusing the guy in the other end of the telephone, I am now officially now unemployed. #unemploymentisalreadyabitch #thehelperonthephonewasveryoverbearing #idiotidiotidiot=me

We sat all over in the room. Some in the couch. Some on different chairs. Some on the floor. We were celebrating my sisters 20th birthday. At one point I sat on the floor eating dinner. I looked up and flying in the air was a plastic plate with salat and meat on it rolling around landing in the couch with meat and salat all over. In the process my mothers boyfriend, who tried to safe his plate embarrassingly tried to clean up the mess. I almost died laughing. #longtimeagoIlaughedsohard #heisnotafanofmineafterthat #ForonceIdidnotdoit #notmenotmenotme

I felt like superwoman and completely independent when I repaired my bike the other day - the day after I went down in the bacement to get it, so I could meet my brother downtown. The tyre was still flat! #whathappenedtomyindependence #Againagainagain #longlivestubbornness

Last weeks tales, is possible to be read here.

lørdag den 2. juli 2016

Everyday Tales

True friends buys you Minions Kinder Eggs just because there were Minions on them - despite the fact that you cannot eat the chocolate! #iloveminions #ilovecrazyfriends

While my neighbour obviously got laid this morning (the walls where almost shaking and the girl was making that loud complaining sound she does during sex). This summer the lovebirds have added the twist of having their windows open to our court. One evening, a couple in the opposite building on the fourth floor had an amazing time watching. #theneighboursagacontinues

The free Danish newspaper MetroXpress politely told me to just shut up today and keep my opinions to myself in their horoscope-colom. #dontknowhow #sorrynotsorry

Here the other day I found a bucket containing 1 kilo of peanut butter in the local supermarket! 1 kilo peanut butter!!  I hugged it and whispered "I love you"!! #methesupermarketweirdo

fredag den 1. juli 2016

Accepted, Loved and Peace

Today looking out the window, watching the movie "Heaven is for Real", and embracing my very real fear of the future I am about to enter into, I came to realise something. Growing up, I always tried to fit in. I tried to be what everyone else wanted me to be, so that I could be popular. Have the cool friends. But every time I tried, every time I failed horribly by feeling even more of a misfit than before. Whenever I tried to be something that I wasn't, I felt even more ridiculed than before. It felt like striving to become someone I wasn't did not have the outcome I wanted. It was only when I embraced me as I am that I could relax and strive. It was only then I felt free.

I remember the instances where an adult, getting to know me looked at me with disbelief and a laughter in their eyes, once they got to see who I was. I don't blame them. If I where them I probably would have done the same thing, looked upon myself the same way. But I don't envy their lives. I wouldn't want to keep placing that amount of pressure on myself as I used to.

I refuse to believe that I have to be what social conventions wants me to. I refuse to believe that I have to follow every social code this world has created to be free. I refuse to believe I have to listen to the right kind of music, see the right kind of movies, go the right kind of places and socialise the right kind of way in order to be me. I learned that people forcing upon me one kind of behaviour isn't worth the fight to convince they should stay friends with me. I am me. And it is not going to change. I am not going to stop watching Disney movies or go to church, just because it doesn't fit into the social code of the world I live in. All I wanted throughout my life was to be accepted. But it was not until I accepted myself, that I found peace.

I am always loved the way I am, with faults and all. So why should I change just because the rest of the world can't see it? Just because they have an idea of how I should be?

torsdag den 30. juni 2016

The I-have-no-money-cravings

Do you know that feeling. That feeling creeping inside your mind, brain and unreliable feelings when you have absolutely no money at all and all you want to do is buy stuff for food-projects, knitting-projects, new clothes and so on... It's almost the feeling of an addiction, where you can't get your mind of it. Think of it every second of the day. Suddenly I just really got to have all sorts of candy, meat and things.

I know I will be proud of myself tomorrow, when I haven't used the money and when I find myself perfectly capable of living without these luxuries. But in the moment. I am addicted. Addicted to worldly things. Or more correctly - unnecessary things and foods.

A new book.
New clothes.
Bottons to a shirt I have knitted.
Special food to make all the new recipes I have found
Milk-free is-cream (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY. TOO. MUCH. CRAVING.)

As I said: Unnecessary. Addiction.

onsdag den 29. juni 2016

Glutenfri og Mælkefri diæt: Hvad man skal undgå og hvad man kan vælge istedet

Da jeg forsøgte at blive gluten og mælkefri var det sværeste at overkomme, hvad jeg skulle gøre når jeg besøgte mine venner og de muligvis ville lave mad til mig. I begyndelsen mente jeg, at jeg selv ville have mad med, men hvad så med alle dem der egentlig gerne vil prøve det "glutenfrie og mælkefrie" køkken for min skyld? Hvordan forklarer, man hvad der er gluten i og hvad der ikke er. For, let's be honest, listen er meget lang.

Så jeg lavede et dokument jeg kunne sende videre, der indeholdte hvad man skulle undgå og hvad man kunne vælge istedet og det vil jeg dele med jer! På den måde kan du evt bruge denne side som reference eller lave din egen. Skemaet er ikke min opfindelse, men et jeg har set flere bruge. Det her er baseret på en glutenfri og mælkefri kost.

Det må jeg IKKE
Mel, gryn og kerner: 
Hvede, -mel, -gryn, kerne, -kim, -klid, durummel, sigtemel, spelt, fuldkornsmel, grahamsmel, mannagryn, emmer, enekorn, kamut. 
Rugmel, rugkerner, byggryn, perlebyg, malt. 
Havregryn, - mel, - mix, -klid. 
Pasta (spaghetti, makaroni, lasagneplader). 
Rasp (panering). 
Majs, majsgryn, polenta og majsmel, quinoa-frø og -mel, kartoffelmel, boghvedegryn og -mel, hirseflager og hirsemel. Kikærtemel, kastanjemel, sesamfrø, birkes, solsikkekerner, græskarkerner, fiberHUSK, hørfrø, kokosmel, amarent, chiafrø. 
Juice, saft, sodavan, vin, glutenfri øl. 
UNDGÅ: Mælk der kommer fra dyr. 
Mælk, kakaodrikke, fløde, cremefraiche, syrnede mælkeprodukter (yoghurt, A38, ylette, mm..), oste, smør, 
mandelmælk, rismælk, kokosmælk, sojamælk, plantemargarine (fx becel, fri, nutana). 
Cornflakes, guldkorn, havrefras, müsli og havregryn. 
Glutenfri brød med æg,
Marmelade, honning. 
Grød kogt på glutenfri mel og gryn fx hirse, glutenfri havre, boghvede mm. 
Friske og tørrede frugter. 
Glutenfrie produkter. 
Leverpostej, paté, ristede løg. pålægsvarer, pølse, sennep, ketchup, noget mayonnaise, remoulade og dressinger. 
Glutenfri varianter af pålæg, torskerogn, skinke, kyllingebryst, kalkunfilet, makrel, tun, laks, sild, æg, rejer, mm. 
Bælgfrugter (bønner, kikærter, linser). 
Panerede kød, fjerkræ og fiskeprodukter og farsretter. 
Færdige middagsretter, saucer og supper. 
Madlavningsfløde, suppepulver, saucepulver, bouillon. 
Frosne Kartoffelprodukter
Karry og andre krydderiblandinger. 
Kød, fjerkræ og fisk i “ren” form (fersk eller frossen). 
Glutenfri pasta, pizza, tærter, madpandekager. 
Kartofler, quinoa, grøntsager, salat. 
Panering: glutenfri mel / rasp, hirseflager. 
Suppe/sovs: alternativer til mælkeprodukter, jævning (maizena, kartoffelmel). 
ved panering
Margarine baseret på mælkeprodukter
Olivenolie, rapsolie, solsikkeolier. 
Dessert og snacks
Kager, vafler, boller, æbleskiver, isvafler, kiks, lakrids, lakridskonfekt, karameller, chips, chokolade, slik
Gluten- og mælkefri: Desserter, kager, kiks, bolcher, kartoffelchips, popcorn (tjek om de er glutenfrie). 