torsdag den 30. juni 2016

The I-have-no-money-cravings

Do you know that feeling. That feeling creeping inside your mind, brain and unreliable feelings when you have absolutely no money at all and all you want to do is buy stuff for food-projects, knitting-projects, new clothes and so on... It's almost the feeling of an addiction, where you can't get your mind of it. Think of it every second of the day. Suddenly I just really got to have all sorts of candy, meat and things.

I know I will be proud of myself tomorrow, when I haven't used the money and when I find myself perfectly capable of living without these luxuries. But in the moment. I am addicted. Addicted to worldly things. Or more correctly - unnecessary things and foods.

A new book.
New clothes.
Bottons to a shirt I have knitted.
Special food to make all the new recipes I have found
Milk-free is-cream (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY. TOO. MUCH. CRAVING.)

As I said: Unnecessary. Addiction.

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