lørdag den 18. juni 2016

I have a dream...

Once, I had a dream. My dream was to finish my Masters Degree and write a thesis. Back then, I couldn't imagine actually completing it. Now, 18 days after I handed in my thesis I find myself in a bubble of disbelieve! I actually handed in a piece of work I had done which consisted of about 70-75 pages. Everything happened so fast I still can't quite grasp reality. 

Yet, reality is; one dream have ended and the opportunity for new dreams to emerge have opened up. So what does the future hold? Well, I don't know. I hope I get to work with something I can be passionate about. I hope, I get a job through which I can channel my inner nerd. 

However, a recent dream have emerged yet again and now I believe is the time to see if it can flourish and grow or if I should lay this one to rest and be content with things the way they are. I think it is time for me to pursue this a bit more. 

Because, I have always wanted to write for a living. I have always wanted to be an author and for decades I have had this idea for a book-project I will finally pursue. It is time for me to do the necessary research and make all the ideas flourish to see if this might actually be possible for me.

 I will never be the new J. K. Rowling, but we'll see if there might be enough space for another writer out there in the jungle of writers. 

Wish me luck

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