fredag den 26. august 2016

Everyday Tales: A trip to the beach, when approached in the train and weddings

First time I swam in the ocean at a beach in Denmark. Probably also my last, but who cares. #Danishsummer #beachisfun #Hyggewiththesiblings

I was weirdly provoked by the way an elderly lady approached me in the train this morning due to the fact that I was occupying her and her friends seat (Friday, 26th August). "Ups" she said. While she probably found that an appropriate way of telling me that I had to move because she had already paid for the seat, I heard her say indirectly, that she paid for the seat ergo I shouldn't have been sitting there at all. Well news for ya lady. You didn't sit there the first hour or two of my train-ride. I guess that tells you more about what's going on in my head than in hers. #unnecessarilyhottemperat #waytooearlymorning #morecoffee.

Normally I would write about how hard it is to go to a wedding as someone being "eternal single". But not this time! I LOVE this wedding! Especially because one of my best friends are getting married and it is an important celebration! #lovelovelove #gettingemotionalthinkingaboutit #Lovesingelife #Ilovewhenfriendsfindslove

First weekend in August: Vejle and Bachelorette-party (#wohoooow). Second weekend in August: Barcelona (#hippy-yay!). Third weekend: Arhus and Fur (#Whatyoudontdoforfamily). Fourth weekend: Wedding in Vejle (determined not to cry. #DONOTCRY!). Next weekend: The blessing of a best friends kid. #Noweekendoff #Wheredidmyweekendsgo #whenyouarefullybookedwithamazingeventsbutyourintrovertedselfremindsyouthatyouneedadayinapyjamas

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