mandag den 18. juli 2016

Being Radicalised, Being Human?

By creating a situation where a citizen feels the need to protect and serve a society, due to what the society have given him or her, offer protection and grant different 'life-stocks' that enables him or her to not only survive but live to the fullest, a relation between a government and an individual are created of mutual protection and the wish to establish what might be of the best interest to both parts. This relation might even help a society fight extremism and radicalisation both amongst religious people, however, more so amongst its own people.

Because, let's face it. It is not only Muslim people who have become radicalised. The people, feeling like "these people are invading our country, taking our jobs, destroying our lives", have also become, to some degree radicalised. I believe, when you in the shelter of the anonymity the internet can give you, makes use of this in order to belittle the people that seems different from yourself, despite not knowing them personally, you have become radical in the choice of means to implement your view of the world in a given society.

Let's face it. It is not only because someone believes in Islam that such a person can become radical (which by the way is a very little amount of people actually choosing a radicalised worldview, compared to all the people who every day are harassing other human beings). It can also be you and I, despite religious affiliation.

Maybe it is time to break with the idea that only Muslims are destroying the world as we know it. We are to by the way we treat each other. By the way we refuse to help other people. Our choices makes us wander down the road either towards taking extreme measures or towards showing others that we care.

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