Do you know that feeling. That feeling creeping inside your mind, brain and unreliable feelings when you have absolutely no money at all and all you want to do is buy stuff for food-projects, knitting-projects, new clothes and so on... It's almost the feeling of an addiction, where you can't get your mind of it. Think of it every second of the day. Suddenly I just really got to have all sorts of candy, meat and things.
I know I will be proud of myself tomorrow, when I haven't used the money and when I find myself perfectly capable of living without these luxuries. But in the moment. I am addicted. Addicted to worldly things. Or more correctly - unnecessary things and foods.
A new book.
New clothes.
Bottons to a shirt I have knitted.
Special food to make all the new recipes I have found
Milk-free is-cream (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY. TOO. MUCH. CRAVING.)
As I said: Unnecessary. Addiction.
Call me crazy, boring or a geek. Here is my rather broad spectrum of interests represented. Welcome to you.
torsdag den 30. juni 2016
onsdag den 29. juni 2016
Glutenfri og Mælkefri diæt: Hvad man skal undgå og hvad man kan vælge istedet
Da jeg forsøgte at blive gluten og mælkefri var det sværeste at overkomme, hvad jeg skulle gøre når jeg besøgte mine venner og de muligvis ville lave mad til mig. I begyndelsen mente jeg, at jeg selv ville have mad med, men hvad så med alle dem der egentlig gerne vil prøve det "glutenfrie og mælkefrie" køkken for min skyld? Hvordan forklarer, man hvad der er gluten i og hvad der ikke er. For, let's be honest, listen er meget lang.
Så jeg lavede et dokument jeg kunne sende videre, der indeholdte hvad man skulle undgå og hvad man kunne vælge istedet og det vil jeg dele med jer! På den måde kan du evt bruge denne side som reference eller lave din egen. Skemaet er ikke min opfindelse, men et jeg har set flere bruge. Det her er baseret på en glutenfri og mælkefri kost.
Så jeg lavede et dokument jeg kunne sende videre, der indeholdte hvad man skulle undgå og hvad man kunne vælge istedet og det vil jeg dele med jer! På den måde kan du evt bruge denne side som reference eller lave din egen. Skemaet er ikke min opfindelse, men et jeg har set flere bruge. Det her er baseret på en glutenfri og mælkefri kost.
Det må jeg IKKE
Mel, gryn og kerner:
Hvede, -mel, -gryn, kerne, -kim, -klid, durummel, sigtemel, spelt, fuldkornsmel, grahamsmel, mannagryn, emmer, enekorn, kamut.
Rugmel, rugkerner, byggryn, perlebyg, malt.
Havregryn, - mel, - mix, -klid.
Pasta (spaghetti, makaroni, lasagneplader).
Rasp (panering).
Majs, majsgryn, polenta og majsmel, quinoa-frø og -mel, kartoffelmel, boghvedegryn og -mel, hirseflager og hirsemel. Kikærtemel, kastanjemel, sesamfrø, birkes, solsikkekerner, græskarkerner, fiberHUSK, hørfrø, kokosmel, amarent, chiafrø.
Juice, saft, sodavan, vin, glutenfri øl.
UNDGÅ: Mælk der kommer fra dyr.
Mælk, kakaodrikke, fløde, cremefraiche, syrnede mælkeprodukter (yoghurt, A38, ylette, mm..), oste, smør,
mandelmælk, rismælk, kokosmælk, sojamælk, plantemargarine (fx becel, fri, nutana).
Cornflakes, guldkorn, havrefras, müsli og havregryn.
Glutenfri brød med æg,
Marmelade, honning.
Grød kogt på glutenfri mel og gryn fx hirse, glutenfri havre, boghvede mm.
Friske og tørrede frugter.
Glutenfrie produkter.
Leverpostej, paté, ristede løg. pålægsvarer, pølse, sennep, ketchup, noget mayonnaise, remoulade og dressinger.
Glutenfri varianter af pålæg, torskerogn, skinke, kyllingebryst, kalkunfilet, makrel, tun, laks, sild, æg, rejer, mm.
Bælgfrugter (bønner, kikærter, linser).
Panerede kød, fjerkræ og fiskeprodukter og farsretter.
Færdige middagsretter, saucer og supper.
Madlavningsfløde, suppepulver, saucepulver, bouillon.
Frosne Kartoffelprodukter
Karry og andre krydderiblandinger.
Kød, fjerkræ og fisk i “ren” form (fersk eller frossen).
Glutenfri pasta, pizza, tærter, madpandekager.
Kartofler, quinoa, grøntsager, salat.
Panering: glutenfri mel / rasp, hirseflager.
Suppe/sovs: alternativer til mælkeprodukter, jævning (maizena, kartoffelmel).
ved panering
Margarine baseret på mælkeprodukter
Olivenolie, rapsolie, solsikkeolier.
Dessert og snacks
Kager, vafler, boller, æbleskiver, isvafler, kiks, lakrids, lakridskonfekt, karameller, chips, chokolade, slik
Gluten- og mælkefri: Desserter, kager, kiks, bolcher, kartoffelchips, popcorn (tjek om de er glutenfrie).
does and don't,
Glutenfrit Liv,
tirsdag den 28. juni 2016
'Reality - what is reality?'
Reality. What is reality? Is it that dull, grey substance of occurrences buzzing in the edge of my consciousness? Is it this colourful world, where suddenly everything is happening the way it was supposed to - my way? What do I do when dreams becomes such a big part of how I truly see the world, that it has become too difficult to divide the real word into truth- and falsehood? The roots of fantasy have slowly penetrated the walls around my reality, making root in my sub-constions as if it has always been there. As if I were colour-blind before but now see the world in its true colours.
"Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape? ... If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we parisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!" - Quote, J. R. R. Tolkien
I am escaping. Escaping from my own dull existence. And I am taking you along for the ride.
This is the second part of my "novel" writings. They are descriptions of emotions and feelings that just haunts your heart and soul. You can read the first one here.
"Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape? ... If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we parisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!" - Quote, J. R. R. Tolkien
I am escaping. Escaping from my own dull existence. And I am taking you along for the ride.
This is the second part of my "novel" writings. They are descriptions of emotions and feelings that just haunts your heart and soul. You can read the first one here.
fantastic tales,
Random blog-stuff
mandag den 27. juni 2016
A series review: The Big Bang Theory
SPOILER ALERT! I am probably, without knowing it going to reveal some pretty essential stuff on the Big Bang Theory, because that's what I usually do. So, if you don't want to know, don't read along.
The Big Bang Theory is a personal favourite. The first couple of seasons made me laugh in extreme measures. A roomie of mine found me in my room laughing in the middle of the night ... alone ...
I love Sheldon's complete lack of sympathy and empathy, and especially the first episodes of his relationship with Amy; to some extent the female version of Sheldon. I love how the other three brainiacs keeps being friends with intolerable Sheldon and Leonard's hopeless and sometimes desperate crush on the girl next door.
The last couple of seasons have not reached the prime and magic of the first 5 seasons had, though. Marriage and so forth have made them all a bit dull and boring - or more specifically; normal. I find the Sheldon and the Amy transformation a bit boring. And the relationship between Leonard and unreachable Penny have made me yarn more than a couple of times. They all have at some point settled, which in one way is sweat and nice but when it comes to the entertaining part I am kinda bored.
Despite this, I still watch the show. Despite the boring twists, the show have become a part of life for me. Who doesn't want to know what the future holds for all of them. All in all, it is a show one falls in love with and keeps watching to the very end - even though the hard, from the heart laughter rarely emerges these days.
The Big Bang Theory is a personal favourite. The first couple of seasons made me laugh in extreme measures. A roomie of mine found me in my room laughing in the middle of the night ... alone ...
I love Sheldon's complete lack of sympathy and empathy, and especially the first episodes of his relationship with Amy; to some extent the female version of Sheldon. I love how the other three brainiacs keeps being friends with intolerable Sheldon and Leonard's hopeless and sometimes desperate crush on the girl next door.
The last couple of seasons have not reached the prime and magic of the first 5 seasons had, though. Marriage and so forth have made them all a bit dull and boring - or more specifically; normal. I find the Sheldon and the Amy transformation a bit boring. And the relationship between Leonard and unreachable Penny have made me yarn more than a couple of times. They all have at some point settled, which in one way is sweat and nice but when it comes to the entertaining part I am kinda bored.
Despite this, I still watch the show. Despite the boring twists, the show have become a part of life for me. Who doesn't want to know what the future holds for all of them. All in all, it is a show one falls in love with and keeps watching to the very end - even though the hard, from the heart laughter rarely emerges these days.
søndag den 26. juni 2016
Dreaming of Boozt-goodies...
So, Boozt are having a major sale and I wish I had the means and money for it. I thought that I might share my favourites with you. Just a warning, I am apparently in a "stripe-period" where everything green and with vertical stripes are the shit! Oh, and it is expensive stuff - therefore only dreams... You know, things I dream I will wear while I am sleeping...
Especially the beautiful green dress.. Oh, if only most of my friends hadn't married jet, I would have an excuse...
But, you know what they say (Or more specifically, what I say): "If you can't afford it, blog about it..."
Especially the beautiful green dress.. Oh, if only most of my friends hadn't married jet, I would have an excuse...
But, you know what they say (Or more specifically, what I say): "If you can't afford it, blog about it..."
lørdag den 25. juni 2016
When apps sarcastically greets you in the morning
I find it oddly satisfying that, the new app I am using to keep track on how much money I use on a weekly basis, this morning greeted me with the message: "you have not spend any money yesterday". The impulsive-buyer-syndrome I suffer from sometimes, and which I at times can't control, gives me a pat on the bag while praising me for not spending money yesterday. The app should have said: "Well done! Keep up the good job!", instead it in a sarcastic way shares with me how much money I have for the rest of the week. Instead of praise the app instead could have been yelling: "LOOSER"
Not so much praise for me. Brilliant app though.
Not so much praise for me. Brilliant app though.
new app,
no money,
Random blog-stuff,
sarcasm from apps,
fredag den 24. juni 2016
Becoming glutenfree and milkfree
Making a life commitment to eating without gluten or milk-products in my diet may possibly make some shrug their heads, while others becomes eager to hear the weight-benefits from this change. To me its a choice that changed the way I live and the quality of my life.
I did not know that changing my diet would in so many ways change my life. However, I would not recommend this change for someone who is "only" seeking to loose weight. Despite the fact that the change have had an impact on my weight, I would under all circumstances choose an easier way to loose weight. Because for me it is not just about loosing weight, it is to a greater extent about whether or not to spend hours in a bathroom later on. For so many years of my life I spend in embarrassment regarding things I don't even want to elaborate on. Only the fact that I at times was not very pleasant to spend time with. I was embarrassed and thought that there was something wrong with me. Instead I found that there was something wrong with the food I loved the most.
Despite my great love for whipped cream, I have not regretted saying goodbye to that and many other food-loves in my life for the life I have now and if I knew the benefits before hand I would have done it previously.
If you think you might have the same problem, I urge you to seek a doctor or a nutritionist. Do not make the changes on your own!
Glutenfrit Liv,
lactose free,
torsdag den 23. juni 2016
Introverted thinking
I always found the sound of rain on my window amazingly calming. Just laying in bed listening to the rain fall down surrounded by my lovely pillow and blanket, knowing I am protected. This evening I am sitting with windows open just listening to the rain fall heavily on the asphalt and letting the new air in. The smell of rain is just fresh, new, a tad chilly. As if the cold broke through the wall of heat and let in new air. Like I can breath again.
I guess it is moments like these I treasure the most. Sitting with candy or a glass of redwine enjoying the new air breaking through the atmosphere. Allowing myself to think whatever I like and not having to answer to anyone or anything. Recharging my batteries for the weekend - so to speak. This weekend I am going to see a group of amazing friends, watch movies all weekend and eat some amazing food. Not that I am not looking forward to it. I do. I am looking forward to having my "social-batteries" recharged. It just only feels like that my "alone-batteries" needs recharging a lot more often than my "social"-ones.
I've always felt this way, it was just first as an adult I came to accept it. Accept that it was ok to be an introvert in an extrovert world. That it was ok to be awkward in large crowds. Sometimes me being awkward tend to look like I don't want to be approached. Talked to. It's not really the case. I am just not that good at talking in groups. So if you see me curled up in a corner, don't think that I don't want to talk or anything. I do. Just only to you and not 20 of your friends as well.
Anyway, as I sit here enjoying the sound of thunder fading away while philosophising on being introvert, a eagerness begins to emerge. A joy that I get to see some of my closest friends this weekend. I just needed the space. Time. And loneliness.
Being alone is not always a dangerous thing. Sometimes it is necessary I guess.
I guess it is moments like these I treasure the most. Sitting with candy or a glass of redwine enjoying the new air breaking through the atmosphere. Allowing myself to think whatever I like and not having to answer to anyone or anything. Recharging my batteries for the weekend - so to speak. This weekend I am going to see a group of amazing friends, watch movies all weekend and eat some amazing food. Not that I am not looking forward to it. I do. I am looking forward to having my "social-batteries" recharged. It just only feels like that my "alone-batteries" needs recharging a lot more often than my "social"-ones.
I've always felt this way, it was just first as an adult I came to accept it. Accept that it was ok to be an introvert in an extrovert world. That it was ok to be awkward in large crowds. Sometimes me being awkward tend to look like I don't want to be approached. Talked to. It's not really the case. I am just not that good at talking in groups. So if you see me curled up in a corner, don't think that I don't want to talk or anything. I do. Just only to you and not 20 of your friends as well.
Anyway, as I sit here enjoying the sound of thunder fading away while philosophising on being introvert, a eagerness begins to emerge. A joy that I get to see some of my closest friends this weekend. I just needed the space. Time. And loneliness.
Being alone is not always a dangerous thing. Sometimes it is necessary I guess.
Random blog-stuff,
onsdag den 22. juni 2016
Dreaming of ... Madrid

Every year my siblings and I celebrate my late fathers birthday by doing something special in the weekend before or after the date of his birthday and last year we decided to go to Madrid. Unfortunately, my brother couldn't join my sister and I. However, thinking back on the trip with my sister, I am reminded of a lot of "hygge" as we say in Danish. Tons of girl talk, getting closer to one another, and bonding. All in all a fantastic time with my beautiful sister.
I was told by someone who was quit familiar with the city to just "get lost", so we mostly did. Sometimes the best way to enjoy a different city is to just walk around and see what happens. Among the many experiences getting lost led to, a street market was my personal favourite. Sometimes the best jewellery is bought everywhere else but at home.
Madrid is in my opinion the master city in 'dress up'. Every where we went, every where we looked, there was always someone dressed up as something or someone specific. We became friends with Mr Bean and Spongebob Squarepants (Personal favourite as he reminded me of a particularly, annoyingly awesome ringtone I once woke everyone up with in a dorm room). Also a rather hilarious version of a not so fit Spiderman ruled the streets with his rather funny looks and moves!
Madrid also has a lot of different art museums and other "must see's". We did go to see the palace (a little overpriced compared to what we actually experienced within the palace). A personal favourite was all the modern art we experienced at one of the many museums. It is always amazing to see what other artists can do with heels from shoes, plastic and frames. I am a sucker for these kinds of things and can spend hours in places like these.
All in all, we where quite lucky with the weather in Madrid. It was in March, and the temperature was warm enough to expose some skin and enjoyed the first beams of sun in the parks. Concluding, Madrid is a city I would enjoy travelling to again, but I must admit that there are several places I would love to experience before going here again. If you get the chance to experience Madrid, you should truly enjoy "getting lost", art, tons of tapas and a good glass of wine! My sister and I did most of it, despite the fact that I was a bit difficult with my gluten-allergy and such when it came to food. Luckily my amazing sister where patient with me and we had an amazing time!
mandag den 20. juni 2016
Glutenfri, mælkefri ... og kødfri?
En ting er helt at udelade mælkeprodukter og glutenholdige produkter fra ens kost, en anden er at overveje at skære ned på ens forbrug af kød også! Jeg bliver aldrig vegetar eller veganer, til trods for at jeg virkelig godt kan lide deres argumenter for at sortere bl.a. kød ud af deres kost. Men her på det sidste har jeg fundet ud af i hvor høj grad vores "kød-forbrug" er med til at ødelægge den jord vi nu engang bor på og det kan vi da ikke have. I et stykke tid har jeg derfor overvejet og undersøgt hvordan jeg kunne skære ned på kød-forbruget men stadig få den næring jeg har brug for. Problemet med det her er, at kød godt kan synes at være den eneste kilde til at blive fuldkommen mæt når man hverken har brød eller mælkeprodukter til at kompensere for den manglende proteinkilde...
Dette forblev min opfattelse indtil jeg faldt over en artikel i Iform, hvor de sammenlignede mængden af protein i forskelligt kød overfor forskellige bønner og snacks. Faktisk viste det sig at soyabønnen havde væsentligt mere protein i sig end kødet som var anført som det mest protein-indholdige af al kød.
Nedenstående lister er fra en artikel fra iform og er målt pr 100 gram:
Dette forblev min opfattelse indtil jeg faldt over en artikel i Iform, hvor de sammenlignede mængden af protein i forskelligt kød overfor forskellige bønner og snacks. Faktisk viste det sig at soyabønnen havde væsentligt mere protein i sig end kødet som var anført som det mest protein-indholdige af al kød.
Nedenstående lister er fra en artikel fra iform og er målt pr 100 gram:
Top 10 proteiner i fisk, kød og æg
Top 10 proteiner i bønner og linser | Top 10 proteiner i snacks |
Tun: 27 g
Kylling: 26 g
Sardiner: 25 g
Rejer: 24 g
Kalkun: 22 g
Torskerogn: 22 g
Roastbeef: 22 g
Røget laks: 21 g
Helleflynder: 21 g
Æg: 13 g
Soya bønner: 36 g
Røde linser: 27 g
Brune linser: 25 g
Mungbønner: 24 g
Hvide bønner: 21 g
Kikærter: 20 g
Brune bønner: 19 g
Tofu: 8 g
Bønnespirer: 3 g
Grønne bønner: 2 g
Hørfrø: 25 g
Peanuts: 25 g
Peanutbutter: 23 g
Pistacienødder: 21 g
Mandel: 21 g
Cashewnødder: 17 g
Pecannødder: 10 g
Rosiner: 4 g
Tørret figen: 4 g
Tørret abrikos: 3 g
Ydermere, introducerede en god veninde mig for noget der lignede spagetti men var lavet af soja-bønner, hvilket jo resulterede i at der faktisk var utroligt mange proteiner i pr 100 gram. De kan købes i Fakta og hedder: "Økologisk Fettucini lavet af sojabønner".
Pludselig synes det at være glutenfri og mælkefri, og have kødfrie dage ikke helt umuligt. Nu handler det blot om at finde gode og nemme opskrifter!
To be continued...
lørdag den 18. juni 2016
I have a dream...
Once, I had a dream. My dream was to finish my Masters Degree and write a thesis. Back then, I couldn't imagine actually completing it. Now, 18 days after I handed in my thesis I find myself in a bubble of disbelieve! I actually handed in a piece of work I had done which consisted of about 70-75 pages. Everything happened so fast I still can't quite grasp reality.
Yet, reality is; one dream have ended and the opportunity for new dreams to emerge have opened up. So what does the future hold? Well, I don't know. I hope I get to work with something I can be passionate about. I hope, I get a job through which I can channel my inner nerd.
However, a recent dream have emerged yet again and now I believe is the time to see if it can flourish and grow or if I should lay this one to rest and be content with things the way they are. I think it is time for me to pursue this a bit more.
Because, I have always wanted to write for a living. I have always wanted to be an author and for decades I have had this idea for a book-project I will finally pursue. It is time for me to do the necessary research and make all the ideas flourish to see if this might actually be possible for me.
I will never be the new J. K. Rowling, but we'll see if there might be enough space for another writer out there in the jungle of writers.
Wish me luck
torsdag den 16. juni 2016
Earrings-MUST HAVES from Thea Melgaard!
I am always, always keeping a lookout for new and amazing earrings carved in wood or bone! I don't have a hugh stretch, only a little and unnoticeable one and I want to keep it that way. I want to be able to regret it in the future. Anyways, I found an amazing shop with the most beautiful earrings - just the way I like them and below you may see pictures Thea Melgaard have taken of especially two pieces I really want out of the many, amazing options:
If you want to check her things out, then click here. It's some pretty amazing stuff she's got.
Random blog-stuff,
Thea Melgaard
onsdag den 8. juni 2016
What on earth is wrong with being a woman?
I'm not necessarily a dedicated feminist. I do think women should have more influence on society and I do agree to a great extent with their arguments of the feminists. However, it is difficult not to be a little feminist in a world where the new normal is not necessarily to feel like the gender one is born as.
Guides on how to raise your children "gender-neutral" are emerging in the media, online, and in some countries are flourishing in different state as well as non-state institutions.
In Sweden it is well-known that the day care facilities are supposed to neither call children him or her. Instead they have implemented the gender neutral "hen" in an effort not to label one person a boy or a girl. The main argument is that society have created the different genders. That the citizens have in some way been suppressed under the label of one gender. Therefore, it is of interest of the citizens to raise children gender-neutral in order to give the future children the ability to choose what they feel they are.
I honestly can't help but wonder what on earth is wrong with being a boy or a girl? What is wrong with me being a woman? Personally it has spurred a lot of self-examination: Why is it that I keep it a secret that I might be a little romantic? Am I embarrassed of being who I am: feminine?
For a very long time growing up I found the whole idea of being feminine difficult. In my teen-years, I longed in a self-centred moment for others to look at me and admire me. Growing up I realised that, what others thought of me would only let them abstain me from becoming who I truly was. My teen-years was confusing and turbulent, and I do have absolutely no intention or wish to relive those years. They made me who I am today. The woman I am. This is how I am born and who I am proud to be. I know that there is some in this world that are confused and have a need to "not determine", but that shouldn't prevent those who is in no doubt about who they are?
Furthermore, I can't help but wonder whether the idea of a gender-neutral upbringing emerging and spreading in the Western world, is a sign of boredom? Because while we are arguing and discussing how to raise children in an effort for them to define themselves, there are people in other parts of the world that doesn't have this luxury: The freedom to define themselves. There are people fighting to live through another day of war or hunger.
"Perhaps the world's second-worst crime is boredom; the first is being a bore" - quote by Cecil Beaton.
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