tirsdag den 31. maj 2016

Future: dark, gloomy, scary - My thesis is out of the way!

So that thesis, it is done! Delivered! I can't do anything more about it. Usually people get sort of, on-the-rooftop-screaming-happy, I just got scared.

What if I have handed in the wrong document? What if I flunk the thing? What if it is a peace of junk? What if I never get a job? It's the feeling of loosing half my identity that ran through my head when I pressed enter on my computer which would let my thesis fly through the "internet air" to my university. 

Usually you should imagine that Queen follows you around singing "We are the champions" while chronically having your arms stuck up in the air. Instead a growing fear have developed to a stone in my stomach. 

The future is a big, large, dark hole called Pete.

But for now, I just want my memory back - which I lost somewhere on the road towards writing my thesis...

lørdag den 21. maj 2016

No 1 Fashion Items on my Wishlist this Spring/Summer, 2016

I didn't intent for me to post fashion on my blog. I actually intended it to be more of a creative outburst with some reflective notes on different subjects I know something about or just off poems and novels-stuff-kinda-things. But, being a little creative sometimes leads you down different paths.

So, therefore, I have decided to share this with you anyway. I am sharing with you some of the things that made me almost go down, buy and ignore the warnings from my bank adviser (I am still a student at the university!).

                                                  1. Object2. Object, 3Object, 4ASOS5. Object, 6H&M.

I loooove Object, as you may figure out. I love its edgy yet feminine touch. I love the back of this ordinary T-shirt (No 5). Not that I usually are a lace-kinda gal. Which leads to the next item. I have a lot of shirts and t-shirts where a piece like this (No 2) underneath would give the stile an extra touch. I love outfits with many layers. It's cool and looks amazing. The dress from object (No 3) is really sweet and nice. I usually goes for these types of dresses where it is possible for me to eat, eat and eat yet still look pretty afterwards despite having a potential "food-baby".

Despite the fact that ASOS usually makes me confused because of the many possibilities and I therefore seldom find anything here, but this dress I love (No 4). It is a little like one dress Hanna Marin wore in Pretty Little Liars (yeah, I do watch this show! A LOT!) which I have been looking for, forever. So maybe I should... Lastly, I have chosen to show you this beautiful blazer from H&M (No 6). I usually avoid H&M. Not because there isn't a lot of good stuff in there, but because I have a lot of items from the store. But I saw this blazer on an add and it's definitely an MUST HAVE. As is the jacket from OBJECT!!

How amazing is this summer going to be!!! Wow. 

torsdag den 19. maj 2016

'The Quick Fix'

I dive deep. Deep into my deep sea of imaginations. Stories to be or not to be told. Life-tales that will never happen or just dreams of a future I will never have. I escape inside the many halls of a fantastic life. I escape from the truth. From hurting. From pain. I escape from a reality that is too hard to bear.

I am not addicted on drugs or alcohol, even though these addiction seems easier to be cured from when one is addicted to one's own imagination. Despite each battle is hard, I imagine that escaping into an alternative reality is easier to hide, than drinking or taking drugs. Or, that I guess is what every addict thinks. Their fight is the hardest. Harder than any other addiction.

If you knew this thing you did will destroy you. Will parish. You know it will fall apart and never ever be the reality you live in eventually. How do you escape from something that will have a destroying impact on your life somewhere in the future, but in the now feels like the only right thing to do. The only solution. The only way out in the now.

A quick fix. A future headache. An approaching hangover.

onsdag den 18. maj 2016

As I Walk Through Life

As I walk through life, 
I have loved and been hurt. 
I have burned bridges, 
and sworn I would never return. 
Only to forgive and let go. 

As I walk through life, 
I have found the ones, 
who are dearest to me 
and said goodbye, 
to the friendships that didn’t stick.  

As I walk through life,
I have shared tears and sorrows. 
Pain and suffering. 
I have learned that pain is relative
And not to be measured.

As I walk through life, 
I have hated the image in the mirror, 
Only to make peace with myself
And learned to love, 

Despite faults and failures. 

As I walk through life, 
I have travelled the world
Only to discover, 
that at home is the best 
And the most beautiful of all. 

fredag den 13. maj 2016

A Series Review: The Musketeers (2014)

As I said, I watch a lot of series. On Sidereel I follow 21 series at the moment. So I thought that I might make reviews of the series I follow and share my thoughts and give them stars from 1 to 5.

The first series I will review is, the BBC's new series The Musketeers beginning in 2014.

It is the same classical story about the musketeers almost a hundred of movies have, more or less successfully tried to capture. The four cocky gentlemen that makes dangerously beautiful sword fighting seem so easy and careless. The very reason that so many movies have tried to capture this story before this series, made me avoid the show completely for quite some time. However, a boring afternoon, where all the usual series didn't seem to amuse me, I did try it, and two seasons after I am still hooked.

the first season was amazingly caching and I came to like the characters a lot. I am a hugh Peter Capaldi fan and seeing him being a character you come to despise and hate, reveals his major talent beyond that of playing Doctor Who. The second season almost gave me an ulcer. Oh how I love and hate those stories that makes you want to use all night to watch all ten episode to know if the ongoing hopelessness will turn in favour of the good guys. And I admit, I did watch the tenth episode after watching the two first episodes. The bad guy in season two was so convincingly bad, that I, in order to stay sane, needed some hope to hang on to. All in all a good show.

However, to some point I do wonder how it came to be that I wooded for the guys who was committing adultery, sleeping with each other behind their husbands backs and kills of characters just in order to make an impossible relationship possible. It is just fiction, but after two season I think it will be a necessary break for my nerves and my moral values.

All in all I will give the show 3,5 star. It is really good, but not the show I would race home to see. It do become monotonous, which I guess is just a sign of me having watched the show too quickly. But, I do highly recommend the show.

The two first seasons are on Netflix and episodes from the third season are already on aired in Canada.

onsdag den 11. maj 2016

Amazing and easy diary-free ice cream!

I have literally tried any type of diary-free ice-cream, but non as good as this one. It is one of the Danish Fitness / healthy food-guru's that made this in TV the other day, and I just have to share this recipe with anyone who wants to listen! IT IS AMAZING. If you are a Dane - look here. To those of you who don't understand Danish, I will translate. It is made by Michelle Kristensen and she has a lot of amazing ideas and easy recipes! I loooove this!

3 frozen bananas is put in a blender together with 0,5 dl almond milk, 2 fresh dates (remove stone) and 1 teaspoon peanutbutter. Blend it all and eat!! It is amazing and I simply cannot get enough! The other day I included some frozen berries and it did not destroy the ice-cream.

Hopefully you will love this ice-cream as much as me.. and do check out her site! She is amazing!

tirsdag den 10. maj 2016

Ideas to the low-budget travel in Denmark

When traveling in any country there will always be tricks to make it a cheap and easy travel. I will share some of the tips and tricks here I have made use of several times.

1. DSB is one of the train services in Denmark with whom you can travel across the country, however can be expensive compared to the alternatives that do exist. However, it is the easiest way and the most convenient when traveling long distances in Denmark. Do order the so-called "Orange" tickets. They are the cheapest to find, but they have to be bought in advance and cannot be changed when bought. Find a Dane to help you find these tickets, because it is not easy to find them on the english version of DSB's webpage. 

2. Instead of DSB, I would recommend travelling with Abildskou.dk or rødbillet.dk. If you are lucky and early in the ticket hunt, you can even find tickets from 50 kr at Abildskou.dk!! I once travelled from Aarhus to Copenhagen on such a ticket! With rødbillet you get free coffee and they have a break on Fyn and both bus-companies offer free WiFi during your travel! 

3. When traveling within Copenhagen it can be an idea to buy a "rejsekort". You can travel with all busses within the city of Copenhagen as well as in Aarhus. It is not all cities in Denmark that have this card yet, but it is on the way. All you have to do before you travel with the card is to load money on it and then you check in when your travel begins and every time you change bus or train and check out when your travel has ended. There will be a fee if you forget to check out. So remember Read more here.

4. Concerning restaurants, food and such there is a lot of guides and reviews of such on aok.dk or aoa.dk. But the most exciting thing is that in Copenhagen (and from 2017 also in Aarhus) a new and supermarket have opened with an amazing concept. It is the first store in Denmark with surplus food - not in the sense that it has already been half eaten, but groceries that in the regular supermarkets cannot be sold because they either have a bump or something else. I find that the store and the uniqueness of its concept is worth a visit. Read more here (unfortunately only in Danish). It opens from monday to friday from 15-19 and the address is Amagerbrogade 151, 2300 Copenhagen.

5. If you want to know what restaurants and cafes serves glutenfree and diary free alternatives, then several websites do share this information. Foursquare lists 15 places in Copenhagen that are worth trying, but if you have a Danish friend who can translate for you, this blog offers lists of places to eat in different cities - an AMAZING blog. I have myself tried the cafe called Glad! and will have to try Cafe Ganefryd next time in Aarhus. In Copenhagen I am crazy about the cafe 42RAW and also Hard Rock Cafe!

Please, do share tips and tricks for an easy travel around in Denmark or any other country you have been in! :) 

fredag den 6. maj 2016

What the future may hold?

On days like these, where the sun are shining, I have absolutely no concentration and cannot focus on my thesis, and I just want to eat ice-cream and bake cake, I dream away and wonder what the future may hold. Because, you see - in a month life as I knew it will change and a new life will begin. New and exciting adventures awaits, but I will have to say goodbye to a time in my life, that often have been a significant part of my identity: The study life. So instead of filling my mind with clouds of doubt, fear and low self-esteem (because honestly, this scares the shit out of me), I wonder what the first "luxury" thing I will buy, what I might be doing in my "holiday", and books I will read... And of course, I will share these lists with you:

1. DIY projects! 
A ton of stuff have been staring in my face. Stuff that I would really like to do but haven't had the time to priorities. I love being artistic, but my Masters have been a tad time-consuming, so I look really forward to flash the canvases and get my artistic side out for again.

2. Sleep in late for a change.. 
...and not feel guilty for not opening a book or do something irresponsible...

3. Watch series AAAALL day long.
...and again not feeling guilty about it. If anyone knows about a job where you get paid to watch series, I am already highly qualified... Trust me... Guilty pleasures...

4. Make all the crazy food-projects and recipes I have found online!
...There are seriously a ton of stuff that I really want to try out or perfect. I have a few ideas for some glutenfree and Milkfree recipes for the blog, and having the time to actually do something about it will be amazing... Oh, and the money for it as well...

5. Concentrate on blogging a little.
It will be amazing to actually be able to focus a little on getting this blog up and running, and get some sense into this mess I have created. I am usually not a messy person, but when it comes to blogging I've figured out that I kind of am... Weird..

6. Training
I have already begun. Training is what keeps me sane these days, but actually not having to skip workout for the sake of the thesis will be awesome... Also, the fact that I don't have schoolwork to do when I get home is going to give me a ton of freetime...

7. Travel a little (Germany, Maybe Norway, Sweden, London, Marocco)
For someone that have no money at all, it is a lot of traveling already, but I figure it will work out
somehow.. Traveling is life... So to say..

8. Finally actively join church and not just arrive on sundays
No more need to be said. My life have been sad. Thesis-sad. Thesis-great, but sad...

9. See people
 ...I have for a year now due to university-stuff neglected my friends. It is time to step out of the cave I call home and join the social life... It is rather sad that my thesis have become my best friend these days... Lonely and sad.

Oh, and just a little short cut..

THIS IS ME! I honestly didn't think I would become like this, BUT I HAVE....

10. Write something fictional... 
I have a dream. A dream to become an author. I already have some ideas lined up and I will now, hopefully have some time to chase these dreams and be serious about it. I am writing something for my brother, a project about a possible rape and about a person with ten different identities. Actually, my mind palace is endless with fantastic stories of all different sort of feelings and I have bottled it up for too long now. Time to let it all out and see if others finds them interesting as well..

11. Uh.. And read a book for fun...
No need for further explanation. Though I am rather damaged in the sense that I do enjoy reading books on the subject of my master, but I will enjoy to choose what to read in the future... Even though I have managed to write my thesis and read 5 books that have had absolutely nothing to do with my thesis (Sherlock Holmes, the original). Never thought that would have been possible!

To be continued on another "dreamy day"... Oh, and please do share possible new adventures and things to do, when one is done and have some sparetime before big changes are going to happen.