fredag den 6. maj 2016

What the future may hold?

On days like these, where the sun are shining, I have absolutely no concentration and cannot focus on my thesis, and I just want to eat ice-cream and bake cake, I dream away and wonder what the future may hold. Because, you see - in a month life as I knew it will change and a new life will begin. New and exciting adventures awaits, but I will have to say goodbye to a time in my life, that often have been a significant part of my identity: The study life. So instead of filling my mind with clouds of doubt, fear and low self-esteem (because honestly, this scares the shit out of me), I wonder what the first "luxury" thing I will buy, what I might be doing in my "holiday", and books I will read... And of course, I will share these lists with you:

1. DIY projects! 
A ton of stuff have been staring in my face. Stuff that I would really like to do but haven't had the time to priorities. I love being artistic, but my Masters have been a tad time-consuming, so I look really forward to flash the canvases and get my artistic side out for again.

2. Sleep in late for a change.. 
...and not feel guilty for not opening a book or do something irresponsible...

3. Watch series AAAALL day long.
...and again not feeling guilty about it. If anyone knows about a job where you get paid to watch series, I am already highly qualified... Trust me... Guilty pleasures...

4. Make all the crazy food-projects and recipes I have found online!
...There are seriously a ton of stuff that I really want to try out or perfect. I have a few ideas for some glutenfree and Milkfree recipes for the blog, and having the time to actually do something about it will be amazing... Oh, and the money for it as well...

5. Concentrate on blogging a little.
It will be amazing to actually be able to focus a little on getting this blog up and running, and get some sense into this mess I have created. I am usually not a messy person, but when it comes to blogging I've figured out that I kind of am... Weird..

6. Training
I have already begun. Training is what keeps me sane these days, but actually not having to skip workout for the sake of the thesis will be awesome... Also, the fact that I don't have schoolwork to do when I get home is going to give me a ton of freetime...

7. Travel a little (Germany, Maybe Norway, Sweden, London, Marocco)
For someone that have no money at all, it is a lot of traveling already, but I figure it will work out
somehow.. Traveling is life... So to say..

8. Finally actively join church and not just arrive on sundays
No more need to be said. My life have been sad. Thesis-sad. Thesis-great, but sad...

9. See people
 ...I have for a year now due to university-stuff neglected my friends. It is time to step out of the cave I call home and join the social life... It is rather sad that my thesis have become my best friend these days... Lonely and sad.

Oh, and just a little short cut..

THIS IS ME! I honestly didn't think I would become like this, BUT I HAVE....

10. Write something fictional... 
I have a dream. A dream to become an author. I already have some ideas lined up and I will now, hopefully have some time to chase these dreams and be serious about it. I am writing something for my brother, a project about a possible rape and about a person with ten different identities. Actually, my mind palace is endless with fantastic stories of all different sort of feelings and I have bottled it up for too long now. Time to let it all out and see if others finds them interesting as well..

11. Uh.. And read a book for fun...
No need for further explanation. Though I am rather damaged in the sense that I do enjoy reading books on the subject of my master, but I will enjoy to choose what to read in the future... Even though I have managed to write my thesis and read 5 books that have had absolutely nothing to do with my thesis (Sherlock Holmes, the original). Never thought that would have been possible!

To be continued on another "dreamy day"... Oh, and please do share possible new adventures and things to do, when one is done and have some sparetime before big changes are going to happen.

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