mandag den 29. februar 2016

Grundopskrift til lækre boller.

Jeg bøvler altid med al den forskellig slags mel der findes på markedet af glutenfrit mel og når jeg ser på selve opskrifterne, mister jeg modet over al den forskellig slags mel man skal bruge bare for at bage en omgang glutenfrie lækre boller.
Jeg har efterhånden eksperimenteret en lille smule og imens FINAX har nogle lækre muligheder for brød i deres brød/mel-kartoner er denne her opskrift jeg tilfældigvis lavede på slum forleden det bedste resultat til dato og jeg brugte kun 1 slags glutenfrit mel i processen. Så jeg er meget stor fan!

1 pakke økologisk gær.
5 dl lunken vand
2 spsk Gul FiberHUSK
Evt lidt sukker.
Glutenfrit Havremel (LEV GODT Glutenfrit havremel eller REMA1000's glutenfrie havremel).

Bland Fiberhusk, gær, salt (1-2 tsk) og det lunkne vand sammen og rør det sammen indtil det bliver en underlig klistret sammenhæng. Pisk gerne i ca 2-3 minutter inden du tilføjer melet.
Når det er blevet sammenhængende tilføjer du mel. Jeg bruger en køkkenmaskine og lader den simpelthen bare køre indtil dejen er fast og ikke for klistret eller flydende. Den må til gengæld heller ikke være for tung.
Hævning er lidt smag og behag. Jeg kan godt lide at lave bollerne og så lade dem hæve mellem en halv til en hel time før de kommer i ovnen ved 200 grader indtil de lyder hule når man let banker en bolle på bagsiden.

Resultat = lækre boller man efter min mening ikke kan smage er glutenfrie.

Du kan med fordel tilføje forskellige kerner, olie osv. Dejen kan også med stor succes bruges til en pizza! Dette er blot en mulig 'grundopskrift' til det glutenfrie og mælkefrie køkken - men en vigtig en af slagsen i mit! :)

lørdag den 20. februar 2016

Some thesis-influenced thoughts on to be or not to be... 'radical'

"The first four steps, in fact, revolve around getting to know people and building trust: Be helpful, be good neighbors, listen to the concerns of others. The activist's religious identity is not revealed until step five and only then in a rudimentary fashion that avoids church questions and instead centers on generic religious discussions and values ... In a similar fashion some Islamic activists, particularly jihadis, hide their movement identity, until after a personal relationship is developed. " Quintan Wiktorowicz, Radical Islam Rising, 2005 p. 23. 

As I am writing my thesis at the moment I came across this rather detailed description of how religious activists, through a development of personal relation, seeks to proselyte among strangers, in an attempt to gain more followers to their cause. 
At first I found it kind of weird; So now I have to worry about the guy who pics up my wallet from the street and runs to me to hand it to me? Or the neighbour that knocks on my door with a piece of pie she made yesterday? Because they might be radicalised and before I know it I might be involved in some extreme activities? First, I came to realise that this method is not exclusively something "Islamic activists" do, everyone does it. Everyone should do it. Not necessarily with a hidden agenda. But, wouldn't the world be a less lonely place if we were some who came out of our individualistic tendencies to exclude everyone else, just because we don't know them? Everyone needs someone to listen to one's concerns. Relate. Everyone at some point in their lives needs a helping hand. 
Second, I became a little curious on how many 'radicalised' have actually been detected in the Danish society. In an article at a local newsstation, recently revealed that the Danish Immigration Services received 5 notifications of coincidences of possible radicalised people. In 2015 an estimated number of over 21000 people sought asylum in Denmark (exact numbers: 
7AAF44DE1F12/0/seneste_tal_udlaendingeeomraadet.pdf). Now, 5 coincidences are not a lot. Though, we may take into account that various de-radicalisation programs may have received some notifications as well, the next question is what here is meant by 'radicalisation'? The usual definition contains a process where someone to a higher degree accepts violence in order to fulfil one's political / ideological / religious goals. Now, does this person have to exercise violence? Can someone be referred to as radical just in terms of opinions? One's execution of regular lifestile choices? Would someone choosing to live fully by the bible not also be called radical by the rest of the society if they did not live by this norm? And what exactly is wrong with having a radically different worldview as long as such worldview does not violently affect others? 
I understand that something needs to be done when it comes to preventing violence from being the choice of expression when someone wants to express themselves, but I find that radical way of living becomes dangerous in itself, without some perspective and without general knowledge about the different worldviews. Hypothetically, I guess the reason why Christianity in some contexts isn't regarded as 'dangerous' in the Danish society, because Danes are aware and know to some extent of the religion and what it entails, naturally everything unknown becomes that dangerous thing out there in the dark. But maybe, instead of accusing someone for being 'radical' in its negative connotation, it is time to reach out and become acquainted with the different wordlviews. What is the worse that could happen? Maybe you will get a knew friend? Maybe not? Under all circumstances, we are all free to express our opinions. Free to belief in anything we want. As long as that does not cause any harm to others right? So lets all look over the hedge separating our gardens from the neighbours and say hello. Let's all be 'radical'. 

Just thoughts from a thesis-writing, soon to be done with school, radical, that actually believes in the good in everyone despite difference in opinion, religion or just worldview. 

torsdag den 18. februar 2016

Top 10 Favourite Series

I loooooove my series. I love them and at this very moment I have watched and keep following 16-17 different series. I am a sucker for new series - especially if I am hooked on the pilot episode! So here is my top 10 at the moment:

1. Criminal Minds
If there is a series I watch first, it is this one. I love how it can be dark and twisted but also with some exciting and plots that are not that obvious to me. This show never gets doll to me. 

2. Doctor WHO (the new seasons)
I began watching this twice before I was hooked, but after getting through the first doctor in the new seasons, I became a frequent viewer. I love how I can't figure it out and how the plots always seem to surprise me (catching a theme?). This series is also one of the first I watch if there is a new episode. 

3. The Big Bang Theory
This series just makes me laugh. Especially the first couple of seasons. I love all the awkward characters and the transformation they have gone through. This series seems to be able to amaze me EVERY TIME. But I do have to note, that I find Penny and Leonard a little bit boring in the last couple of seasons - just my opinion. 

4. Pretty Little Liars
Them pretty liars, always on the edge with the law, without it completely being their own fault. I love it. It is a girlish series but still, it has a ton of mystery and good old fashion drama. I am a complete sucker for the whole Spaleb thingy and I love the entire A plot. I am maybe one of the few people who found it a bit anti-climax when they decided to reveal A. But YAY for the amazing plot. 

5. Sherlock
 I LOVE SHERLOCK. Though not enough for it to be one of those series I HAVE TO WATCH as the first 4 is. I do keep up with this series and love how perfectionistic the director is with the seasons - you can just really see how well the storyline is made. Especially after I have begun reading the original stories. 

6. Elementary
 As the Sherlock Holmes  series lover I am, I had to follow this series as well. I just had to. I love how   Watson is a lady here and wow for the acting. Buuuuuut, honestly. Thats it I watch this series, when all of my good options is taken and watched.  

7. Bones
What first made me watch this series was the obvious eternal attraction Bones and her partner seem to have for each other. The later seasons are a tad boring, but it is still an important series in my "TV series addiction". 

8. Quantico
This series is still quite new to me and I haven't really figured out what I think of it yet. But I watch it and until so far the excitement and thriller has kept me hanging. I am quite interested to see what is going to happen next. I am. Maybe this one will end on the top next time I do a "top 10 series"? Who knows. 

9. The Vampire Diaries
So I admit that this is a series I frequently watch. Though, more since Elena is not in it anymore. I got a little tired of watching her whine all the time and the new plot is really exciting and fresh. I hope they live another season!!!! 

10. Grey's Anatomy
 I have to admit that I am a frequent follower and has come to expect that a certain group of friends give me the newest seasons in birthday present each year, as they have almost every year (You know who you are - hint hint ;) ). I thought I wouldn't like the changes that have been made recently, but I do! I love it. I can't help it. 

EKSTRA: Pride & Prejudice.
 This one just have to be on my list. After two previous roomies introduced me to the series, I was completely hooked and I have seen it a million times (an exaggeration, but I lost count) since. It is AMAZING, so if you are to the girlish, but not in a Hollywood style girlish movies, you should simply just watch this one. 

onsdag den 17. februar 2016

The Life of a Person With "Coeliac Disease and Milk Allergies"

I do not eat gluten or diary products. Not in some insane attempt to loose weight. I’m sorry if that offends you, but I just find the change insane if there is nothing wrong with you besides a wish to loose weight. I eat the way I do, because my body told me to. My quality of life has just improved and simple things, that I before was “just the way they are”, changed because of my diet-change.
However, my change of diet has caused some problems around me, especially in situations where someone doesn’t know me very well, so I honestly just wanted to clear some air on two small matters. Maybe, if you have a friend that is in the same situation, these two things might help you, help her or him.
First: Now, it would honestly be a whole lot easier for me to say that I am a vegan that eat meat. It seems to me that people just don’t understand the difference between not eating diary products because the diary makes me sick and not eating diary products because the lactose makes me ill. People, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. When I say I don’t eat diary products – it is because I don’t eat them. Don’t just assume that I then eat lactose free products, because at the end of the day I still have to spend an hour or two in the bathroom – and not to just wash my face and freshen up. In rare situations I eat them, because there wasn’t anything else on the table or because I was too good of a person to brake it to someone else, that what they have made for me, I still can’t eat. The fact that someone makes the effort just makes me so happy that I’d rather pick the time in the bathroom over correcting someone trying to make me dinner.

Second: It is OK to tell me that I have to bring my own food because making me dinner for your party is relatively difficult. I understand! Trust me. The same way it is rumored that you see your life before you die, I saw all the food that was banned for lifetime for me, when I found out that this might be a problem for me. It took me a LOOOONG time to come to terms with it and learn all the things I could eat from all the things I can’t. So trust me when I say, I UNDERSTAND. Just say it in advance and maybe also what you have planned to make for dinner, so that I can match the dinner as much as possible. Please do not expect that I will be able to figure it out a day in advance, because I can't. I'm not superwoman. I'm just generally busy!

Generally, it is not because I don’t understand. What I am simply trying to say is that it can pay of to be specific! If you are in doubt leave it out – or call a friend.

onsdag den 10. februar 2016

The Death of a Beloved One and the Thoughts that Follow

It is days like these I miss him the most. As I walked through a town I used to call home filled with melancholia and was reminded why I love this city, I heard a phone call in the distance. In a split second, my father was still alive and calling me, to tell me to come home soon. I pinch of guilt and joy over the fact that he was still alive shot through me. Until I "woke up" realising that I was daydreaming and I was left with the guilt.
It is over three years ago that he died. Time has just flown by, though in some points of my life, it just stands still in an endless moment of time, where my father is alive somewhere. Still breathing. Still thriving. I don't believe I ever will loose this feeling of timelessness at one point in me, where the memory of my father still lives, though all other memories of him seems to fade.
Though death is never a pleasent experience, and an experience I will never wish for any one, one good thing came out of all the pain and the mess it caused. My siblings are not just my siblings anymore. They are my friends, two people in the world I most confide in. We are very closely connected and I will not exchange that for anything.

"I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil." J. R. R. Tolkien

fredag den 5. februar 2016

Top 5 songs that can be misunderstood / just weird

So I have a very good friend who is a shark at finding songs that can be misunderstood or are just so weird that its usually very difficult not to laugh. So, I want to spend this blog sharing some of them with you.

5. Nik & Jay, "Boing Boing".
  • Ask a Dane to sing this one and they will, therefore, I find that no link is really needed. The song "vandalised" the Danish pop-scene to such a degree that it had to be on the list - mostly because I find the lyrics a tad weird. 

4. OMI, Hula Hoop
  • Ok, so this one I'm actually running to this. But one day my friend made me listen to the text. Have you ever considered that he might not sing about "them hot ladies" - but a Hula hoop - thereby, the title? Follow me? 

3. Thomas Holm, "IKEA"
  • Now this is a Danish artist that have made his fare share of weird lyrics and these alone should be an excuse and motivation to learn Danish. This specific song is about how a trip to IKEA can cause a brake up. Yes. That's actually the song. 

2. Barbara Moleko, "Paranoia"
  • She has an amazing voice. Really. However, I can't get my mind of how much the first verse sounds like she have the runs... Unfortunately this wonderfully funny experience can only be enjoyed in Danish. 

1. De Eneste To, "Jeg har ikke lyst til at dø"
  • The title of the song should say it all: I don't want to die. Then imagine your radio waking you up in the morning to some lads screaming that one line into your head and you have a repeating experience from a previous household I lived in together with two friends. My one friend would almost crawl out of her room looking depressed and annoyed... It is worth a listen. Again, only in Danish. Danes are apparently amazing at making weird lyrics. 