fredag den 29. april 2016

Those Awkward Neighbour Moments

I seriously don't mind. I mean, sex is part of the human experience.

But dear neighbour, could you please stop screaming while doing it?
It's literally annoying.

So, randomly, I put on some Hillsong very loud in order not to be able to listen to her... And I couldn't help laughing when the dude singing began the song by saying: "So if you love Jesus, make some noise.."

Cannot stop laughing.

onsdag den 27. april 2016

Madpandekager / Dessertpandekager (gluten og mælkefrie)

Pandekager er en helt normal spise, som jeg vil vove at påstå, at alle i DK kender til, men at lave dem glutenfrie og mælkefrie kan godt resultere i forskellige smagsvarianter alt efter hvilke slags ingredienser man vælger at blande sammen.
Jeg vil derfor præsentere dig for to forskellige variations-muligheder som resulterer i pandekager til 1 person, enten til madpakken eller til den søde tand, som måske kan gøre spare dig for en lille smule besvær og eksperimentering.


De er fantastiske til frokosten, aftensmaden eller madpakken og kan fyldes med alt hvad hjertet begærer - som du jo nok ved.

1 dl majsmel eller boghvedemel
1 dl rismælk / vand
1 æg

Da pandekager er enhvermandseje, regner jeg med at du ved hvad du skal gøre ved dejen. ;) Det er vigtigt at fordele dejen i et tyndt lag på panden, da de kan blive en del tungere end de almindelige med hvedemel kan blive.
Resultatet er 2 lækre madpandekager, man kan fylde med salat, kød eller andet godt og tage med i madpakken.


Når det kommer til de her slags pandekager plejer jeg som regel at lave dem med boghvedemel og tilføjer vanillepulver eller sukker til blandingen.

1 dl Boghvedemel (Eller: 1/2 dl boghvedemel og 1/2 dl kokosfibermel)
1 dl Soyamælk, mandelmælk eller vand.
1 æg
evt lidt sukker.

Igen ender du med 2 pandekager (måske mere 2,5 pandekage), hvor du kan fylde den med hvad du nu plejer. Selv plejer jeg at fylde dem med honning, peanutbutter, sirup eller bare syltetøj. ÅH mums.

Håber opskriften kan hjælpe med at gøre det der med det glutenfrie og mælkefrie køkken lidt nemmere. At leve uden mælk og gluten i ens kost behøver ikke være så besværligt. Man skal bare lige købe lidt anderledes

onsdag den 13. april 2016

Gluten- og mælkefri "Herre"/kød-gryde.

For noget tid siden fik jeg en gryderet som kom til at blive en af mine yndlingsretter hos en veninde! Jeg gik hjem med smagsoplevelsen i min hukommelse og lavede den gryderet jeg nu vil præsentere for jer lidt på slum. Den er ufatteligt nem at lave både gluten og mælkefri for udover enkelte varer du skal huske at tjekke varedeklarationen på, er den helt naturligt lavet uden! Derudover er den nem at lave og perfekt til både hverdag og til fest!

500 gr. goulash-terninger (om du køber de billige fra netto eller nogle fra slagteren kan begge bruges, men bare husk på, at dem der kommer fra slagteren typisk giver et mere mørt resultat)
1 bk cocktail pølser (tjek for gluten i varedeklarationen)
1 bk bacon.
1-2 løg
2-3 hvidløg
1-2 hakkede dåsetomater
1 st tomatpure.
1-2 peberfrugt
1 Grøntsagsbullion (den fra Knorr er som regel glutenfri, men tjek varedeklarationen).
Salt og peber.

Sæt bacon over og når de bliver næsten gyldne, tager man baconternene fra og sørger for at efterlade fedtet. Det giver en fantastisk smag! Steg hakkede løg og hvidløg i bacon-fedtet og tilsæt goulash-terningerne når løgene er gennemsigtige. Der skal være høj varme og alle sider på goulash-terningerne skal være stegte før du igen tilføjer bacon til retten. Sæt varmen ned til en middel temperatur (ikke for høj, men heller ikke for lav) og tilsæt dåsetomaterne, tomatpureen og krydderier efter ønske. Det er meget på slum jeg tilføjer krydderier, men det er omkring 1-2 tsk af hver. Lauerbærbladene giver en fantastisk smag så endelig i med 3-4 stykker. Tilsæt tilsidst en bullion af egen præference. Jeg kan virkelig godt lide grøntsagsbullionen i den her.

Du sætter varmen ned på lav blus og lader det stå at slumre. Jeg sætter som regel retten over kl 15-16 og lader den stå og slumre indtil kl 18-19. Det giver tomatsaucen en fantastisk smag og konsistens. Gerne lade den stå minimum 1 time inden du tilføjer grøntsagerne.

En halv times tid inden retten skal serveres tilføjer jeg cocktailpølser, champignon og rød peberfrugt. Lad det slumre og blive lækkert mørt i en halv time. Inden du serverer retten smager du til med salt og peber. Denne gryderet kan nemt serveres med ris, kartoffelmos eller hvad du lige tænker er lækkert.

Og voilá - en helt fantastisk gryderet med absolut ingen mælkeprodukter og naturligt fri for gluten. Den er fantastisk til at fryse ned og gemme til en "rainy day" når man skal have lidt luksus i hverdagen.

mandag den 11. april 2016

Absolutely All-time Favourite Cartoon Childhood Memories.

I must admit to have filled the blog with rather thesis-affected subject recently, so I thought I needed to make a completely different and more light blog on something that might not matter that much, but is kind of down to earth. As an ultimate displacement activity from my thesis, I loooooove to watch series and especially cartoons. There is something completely innocent about watching a childish view of the world and it reminds me that school, career and thesis is not supposed to fill up every hour of my day. 

So therefore, I give you my top 3 absolutely all time favourite childhood memories or more specifically: displacement activities.

1. Winnie the Pooh

When I recently discovered that the Winnie the Pooh series was actually on DVD I had to have them. So I spend all the money I did not have on all the DVD's I could find. Since, Winnie the Pooh have been my absolutely favourite activity during the day. 

As a kid I had a VHS-tape that my parents had made me full of episodes from Disney Show and I remember the sorrow and the anger I felt when that tape. My absolutely favourite tape in the world had been copied with a football match. Since, I have always hated football - which actually makes sense now really. 

2. The Gummy Bears

Ever since I realised that I could see all 6 seasons of this cartoon, I have enjoyed the trip down memory-lane. I was a bit older when this series became a part of the Disney Show in Danish Television every friday night. It was not until recently, I came to really love this show as a replacement activity for serious-thesis-thinkings!

What is your all-time-favourite cartoon childhood memory?

fredag den 8. april 2016

The Effects of Government and Media Reaction

These days the Danish government is yet again making tightenings regarding radicalised young people. The reason why it is yet again a part of the media as well as the Governments awareness is due to a resent police response the Danish Security and Intelligence Service made where some young people were arrested and charged within the so-called Danish terror-paragraph.

It is rather common that radicalisation in a context such as this makes the media overflow with articles that hints fear and begins a sense of hostility among the Danish people. I must admit that the anger regarding the rather one-sided cover of the so-called "muslim radical" that makes it seem that all muslims are radical may overflow my judgement and make my arguments in this respect rather generalised. However, The governments ideas to tighten the law regarding these so-called Syrian-warriors. The medias eternal cover of radicalisation in more or less direct connection with Islam and muslims. It makes me so furious that it is the action of a few people that may have an affect of how the Danish people regard the rest of those Danes who confess to Islam and are actually well integrated and participate in the Danish society and pay their taxes.

On one hand, I understand that it is of the governments interest to show the Danish people that it takes action against possible terror-threats. In a time like these where Europe seem more of a terror-target than ever, it would on one hand seem too laid back if the government did not react. On the other hand, I find that the reaction has really gone overboard. The fact that the Danish Security and Intelligence Service actually manage to do the job they exists to do, makes me wonder why we need another government "over"-reaction. The part of our society that exists to deal with the terror-threats works. They have done a rather good job in the prevention of terror in Denmark - a thing that is rather difficult to prevent. The only reaction another government intervention will create is that the media attention will yet again make muslims the villains and it will create even more hostility among the Danish people that will make sure that the Danish people will to a lesser degree help the war-inflicted people who really do need our help by for instance demanding a complete closure of our borders towards people who have experienced trauma, war and terror in ways we will never be able to understand.

If the government instead let things work, the way they are ment to, I would respect the government if they react in a rather respectful way towards the system that have been created in Denmark. It would possibly create more peace and instead of letting the fear cloud the Danish peoples judgement, it might make room for more compassion.

Even though, many Danish people have worked against the Danish governments views of the refugees who have more than ever escaped to Europe, the fact that a refugee-hostile party as the Danish People Party who have gained more support than ever shows me that there is a great deal of fear and hostility that needs to be dealt with in Denmark.

We keep saying to each other that fear and a limitation of our everyday life is what terror wants to create. Even though we keep telling ourselves and each other that it is important to live life as we would usually do and not be affected by the terror. Maybe, terror is slowly creeping into our conscience and have slowly affected the way we think about the world and the way we react towards people who truly needs our help. Or the way we react towards the diversity that obviously exists in our society.

Showing compassion and helping other are indeed a more difficult road towards destroying terror and what it creates among the people affected by it. But I believe that the long and difficult road is the better road to take than fighting with the same means and tools as the "enemy" does. Have we, the rich part of the world forgotten that our previous actions hostile and mean actions may have had a role in creating the anger, hostility and the "us" and "them"-mentality that terror springs from? Maybe it is time to react differently than we usually have done since a war on terror obviously haven't worked?