mandag den 11. april 2016

Absolutely All-time Favourite Cartoon Childhood Memories.

I must admit to have filled the blog with rather thesis-affected subject recently, so I thought I needed to make a completely different and more light blog on something that might not matter that much, but is kind of down to earth. As an ultimate displacement activity from my thesis, I loooooove to watch series and especially cartoons. There is something completely innocent about watching a childish view of the world and it reminds me that school, career and thesis is not supposed to fill up every hour of my day. 

So therefore, I give you my top 3 absolutely all time favourite childhood memories or more specifically: displacement activities.

1. Winnie the Pooh

When I recently discovered that the Winnie the Pooh series was actually on DVD I had to have them. So I spend all the money I did not have on all the DVD's I could find. Since, Winnie the Pooh have been my absolutely favourite activity during the day. 

As a kid I had a VHS-tape that my parents had made me full of episodes from Disney Show and I remember the sorrow and the anger I felt when that tape. My absolutely favourite tape in the world had been copied with a football match. Since, I have always hated football - which actually makes sense now really. 

2. The Gummy Bears

Ever since I realised that I could see all 6 seasons of this cartoon, I have enjoyed the trip down memory-lane. I was a bit older when this series became a part of the Disney Show in Danish Television every friday night. It was not until recently, I came to really love this show as a replacement activity for serious-thesis-thinkings!

What is your all-time-favourite cartoon childhood memory?

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