tirsdag den 3. marts 2015

A Whole New World

As I stepped outside from visiting my doctor, I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. Not in the sense of, good memories of family-gatherings or memories of friends I care about, but of food. My mind ran through all my favorite food I suddenly couldn't eat: Irish coffee, all sorts of bread, whipped cream, candy, chips, Lemon-moon-cake or whatever that cake is called in english. My doctor had proclaimed that I might not suffer from astma, but gluten-intollerance. Apparently my lack of better physics wasn't because I had terrible lungs, however, I had been eating the wrong things all my life. And that's pretty much where she lost me. She might have been given me all sorts of relevant and necessary information, but I didn't hear a thing. I just sat there trying to figure out what on earth I was supposed to eat then? My first thought was that my life has ended. Which was partly right. My life as I knew it had ended. A new one was about to begin. 
What was previously a wish, suddenly became a reality - not by choice, but by force. My body has literally forced me into a healthier lifestyle. I am aware that there are other choices regarding unhealthy food, but I choose to see it as an opportunity to get healthy and change my habits which has been destroying my body and my self-image.

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