torsdag den 1. september 2016

And of to the future we go

I believe my father would be proud, clap and dance, as I a couple of days ago took of my nose-ring. I would hate it, and probably kept it a bit longer just to spite him.
Truth is I am turning thirty next time and I am no longer a long-term student. It is time to move on from the rebel I once were and become adult with everything it holds. I hope the future do have some rebellious turns for me. Actually, I count on it. But for now, it would be good with a decent income and on that road, I have to appear more serious and adult than my piercing often led others to believe of me. Thus, the removal of it.
Despite the fact that I have come to terms with this specific decision, there is a lot of memories and identity attached to this little ring. Or, correction I have attached too much identity on that little ring. I always thought that it drew attention away from my very large nose and that it looked good on me. But, there is a time for everything. Once I was a rebel. Not wearing what I was supposed to, as the good girl I was supposed to be. Having an opinion different from those around me. Today I still carry that rebel in my heart. She made me who I am today. Her attempts to push me to make the crazy choices. The choices I usually was too afraid to make. Too scared of what everyone else would think of me.
All of that in that tiny ring.

However, now I am ready to move on. Make even crazier choices that involves bigger things than what part of my body to pierce. I am ready to experience the world. Thus, the removal of the one thing that keeps me in the past in order to embrace the future.